Page 8 - Wagp_InterfaceElectronic_Volume4_2015_US.pdf
P. 8
0 WAGO Interface Modules
6 Housings and Shapes
Nowadays when equipment is designed 857 Series Signal Conditioners and 286 / 786 Series Pluggable Function
many scenarios need to be considered. Relay Modules Modules
Some of which are user and maintenance
friendly, limited budgets, safety, availabi-
lity, space requirements and simplicity in
design and usage.
WAGO AUTOMATION offers interface
modules in various shapes and sizes to
overcome any of the restraints posed by
space requirements.
This enables any demands and needs to
be fulfilled using these different designs,
such as pluggable function and interface Signal Conditioners / Relay modules and Pluggable function modules
modules, relay and optocoupler modules, Optocoupler module
The new 6mm-wide WAGO isolation The terminal blocks for pluggable modu-
amplifiers and transducers not only share les offer the greatest degree of flexibility
788 Series Relay Sockets with a common profile, but in addition one and maintenance-friendly service.
Pluggable Miniature Switching Relay
in line jumper can be used to connect The terminal block for pluggable modules
The WAGO Series 788 relay socket the supply voltages, etc, to all modules, is mounted on the carrier rail and wired
forms an excellent basis for switching doing away with the need to wire each like a normal terminal block.
applications using pluggable miniature connection. The smaller relay modules If service is required, this element can be
switching relays (1 or 2 changeover also fit perfectly in this scenario. The replaced in one step, without having to
contacts) in industrial and process auto- pluggable relays can simply be replaced deal with the system wiring. This saves
mation. from the top. space and additional wiring effort.
Relay socket with pluggable Relay module with pluggable Pluggable function modules
miniature switching relay miniature switching relay
In addition to its compact design In order to cover all application areas The optocoupler and relay modules
15x53x86mm (W x H x D), the relay with one product family, it is intended to are ideal additions to a comprehensive
socket also stands out thanks to a number offer five different groups for the trans- function module program, allowing any
of user-oriented features, with the asso- ducers alone: these include fixed and required functions to be implemented in a
ciated benefits for the user. configurable isolating amplifiers, passive control cabinet by means of a pluggable
The lever facilitates relay replacement isolators, power supply isolators (also for module system. Large enclosures of the
even when the relay sockets are placed HART applications), signal duplicators Series 786 are available for more com-
close to each other. and temperature transducers for Pt100 plex functions, such as transducers.
and thermocouples.
The sockets can be ordered as complete
components including relay and status
indication or as a single component.
Signal Conditioner Pluggable signal conditioning modules