Page 12 - Wagp_InterfaceElectronic_Volume4_2015_US.pdf
P. 12

0    WAGO Relay Modules


        WAGO Relay Modules.                 Definitions of several             AC versions of select relays equipped
        The professional interface          important technical terms          with series connected rectifiers
        between electronics and peripheral                                     (refer to the wiring diagrams) can be
        equipment.                          Coil-side information              triggered with AC and DC at the stated
        Even in modern automation systems,   The relays can be used within the stated   nominal voltage.
        electromechanical relays guarantee   temperature range with nominal voltage
        a safe connection between process   plus tolerance at 100% contin uous duty   The free-wheel function is in this case
        control systems and process and     rating.                            actuated by the rectifier.
        signalling systems. They provide:   According to the type and application,   In order to guarantee a safe operation it
        •  a high isolation level between input   the relays are triggered with DC or AC   has to be observed that “residual volta-
          and output circuit                signal.                            ges” due to cable capacitance in case of
        •  ability to match different signal levels  The DC versions (residual ripple ≤6%)   long connecting lines or leakage currents
                                            are, unless otherwise stated, equipped   of semi-conductor switches and their pro-
        •  signal amplification and/or signal   with LED function indicators, a recovery   tection circuits are lower than the release
          multiplication, especially for different   diode and a reverse voltage protection   voltage of the relay.
          potentials in the input and output    diode.
                                                                               For DC relays, the release voltage is  spe-
        Modernized relays also offer                                           cified with a value of ≤5% of the nominal
        the following advantages:
        •  unaffected by electromagnetic fields                                for AC relays it is 15% of the nominal
          and surges                                                           voltage (acc. to VDE 0435).
        •   high short-term overload capacity for                              If a high residual voltage exists, it is
          the input and output sides                                           possible that the relay will not reset.
        •   small switching power losses
                                                                               Addition of a parallel connection of an
        •   a module for switching of AC or DC  For a nominal voltage of ≤12VDC,
                                            the LED is connected in parallel to the coil.  RC element of:
                                                                               R = 100-220Ω
        WAGO AUTOMATION offers a                                               C = 220-470nF
        complete range of relay modules that                                   could remedy this situation.
        provide these functions for a wide range
        of applications.
        Depending on the function and
        operating conditions, the relay modules
        are available with different contacts, con-  For a nominal voltage ≥24VDC,
        tact materials, housings and shapes.   the LED isconnected in series with the coil.
        The following relay types are also
        available: bistable switching relays, time-
        delay relays, current pulse switching and
        safety relays with force-guided contacts.
                                                                               Alternatively, the 286-904 relay
                                                                               module is available.
                                                                               This specially developed module
                                                                               features a defined release point at
                                                                               110VAC ± 10% at an operating
                                                                               voltage (coil volt age) of 230 VAC.
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