Page 9 - Wagp_InterfaceElectronic_Volume4_2015_US.pdf
P. 9
789 Series Relay Modules in
DIN-Rail-Mountable Enclosure
The range of uses for the WAGO lat-
287 / 288 Series DIN-Rail-Mountable ching relays and switching relays of
Modules - Relay Modules and Sockets Series 789 spans from simple lighting
The relay and PLC interface modules in controls in building services, such as in
the mounting socket that can be fitted construction of apartments, hotels, office
859 Series Relay Modules and on carrier rails ensure quick and easy buildings or parking garages, etc., up to
Optocoupler Modules linking of signals from periphery devices. installations in industrial control cabinets.
The Series 859 is a complete product The fully wired modules, with up to 16
series that is ideal for the interface level high-performance relay outputs, provide The 17.5mm-wide design in series bay
in any industrial application, thanks to the for direct switching of actuators and other enclosures is particularly well-suited for
wide range of relays and optocouplers. coupling elements in the field. installation in distribution boards and
meter mounting boards.
Relay module DIN-rail-mountable modules - relay modules Relay modules in DIN-rail-mountable enclosure
These units excel in tight spaces, thanks The requisite free-wheeling and reverse The series bay enclosures are used for
to their narrow 6mm design. Simple voltage protection diodes are also inte- installation of other electronics devices
commoning at the control and load side grated to ensure a long service life of the having a large scope of functions and
enables quick and easy looping through products. higher switching capacities; these come
of common input and output potential. in sizes of
Other interface modules available as: 2 module spaces (35mm) and
4 module spaces (70mm).
Multiple modules with plugged relays
that are easy to replace, without affecting
existing wiring.
Optocoupler module DIN-rail-mountable modules - relay modules EnOcean radio receiver in DIN-rail-mountable
PCB terminal blocks and connectors
Its robust design and the shock-proof from the extensive WAGO program can
CAGE-CLAMP connecting technology be installed in the enclosures to obtain
used ensures continuous and uninterrup- customized development of interface
ted operation of any kind of system.
Installation is quick and
reliable on the 35mm carrier rail.
Relay socket