Page 11 - Wagp_InterfaceElectronic_Volume4_2015_US.pdf
P. 11


           Compensation for line resistance    drop for the incoming and outgoing   Cold-junction compensation can be acti-
           (2-wire)                           lines can be measured separately and   vated and de-activated just by a click
                                              compensation provided for as required.   using the configuration software (default
           A resistance value can be input into this   Again, no line adjustment is required   setting: ON (activated)).
           field for compensation of the line resis-  here.
           tance for 2-wire sensors within a range of                            Table for Thermocouples
           0-50 Ω .                           Thermocouples
           Adjusting the values for resistance com-
           pensation is only possible by setting the   In contrast to resistance thermometers,
           sensor wire connection to 2-wire. Other-  thermocouples are active sources that
           wise the field is displayed in gray and   generate output in the microvolts range.
           no values can be entered. Using 3- and   Thermocouples have very low resistance
           4-wire sensors, the input cable resistance  and are therefore noise-free. Preferred
           is compensated via the connection tech-  applications include tasks in environments
           nology and does not enter into the mea-  with high temperatures, such as in ovens
           suring results.                    or machines in the plastics industry.      Type of  Thermocouple   Measuring range
                                              The joining of two different materials     sensor   materials
                                              at the thermocouple results in different      J *)   Fe-CuNi   -210 °C ... +1200 °C
           3-wire connecting technique        energy of formation of the metal atom
                                              electrons, yielding a thermoelectric volt-     K *)   NiCr-Ni   -200 °C ... +1372 °C
                                                                                  E *)   NiCr-CuNi   -200 °C ... +1000 °C
                        1                     age. The level of this thermoelectric volt-
                        2                     age is a function of the material and of     N *)   NiCrSi-NiSi   -200 °C ... +1300 °C
                       3                      temperature.                          R *)   Pt13Rh-Pt   +250 °C ... +1768 °C
                                                                                    S *)   Pt10Rh-Pt   -50 °C ... +1664 °C
                                                           Fe          Cu
                                                                                    T *)   Cu-CuNi   -200 °C ... +400 °C
                                                                           _____>    B *)   Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh   +250 °C ... +1820 °C
           The 3-wire connecting technique mini-     1              2              C
           mizes the effect of line resistance. The                                                0 °C ... +2320 °C
           resistance thermometer is gauged via two       CuNi         Cu         *) Thermocouples based on IEC 584 / EN 60584
           measuring circuits implemented in the                                   Other thermocouples available upon request.

           JUMPFLEX  transducer. One measuring   If the temperature at measuring point ϑ1 is
           circuit serves as the reference circuit. Line   the same as the temperature at reference   Relay modules with mounted minia-
           resistance can be compensated for in this   point ϑ2, no current will flow, as the two   ture switching relays
           manner.                            component voltages cancel one another out.   The JUMPFLEX  product family is
           The measuring results can, however,   However, if the temperatures at the measur-  rounded out by the relay modules that fit
           nevertheless be affected by different line   ing point and at the reference point are dif-  perfectly with the transducers.
           lengths or by different ambient tempera-  ferent, differing voltage levels are produced
           tures. No further line adjustment is usually   which do not completely cancel one another   A logical enclosure concept with options
           necessary, as the same line lengths and   out, resulting in a flow of current.   for linking all levels offers a variety of
           the same ambient temperatures exist in                                synergy and cost-savings potential. This
           most cases.                        To summarize then, a thermocouple only   allows for efficient optimization of instal-
                                              measures a difference in temperature. This is  lation efforts.
                                              yielded from the difference between the ther-
                                              moelectric voltage levels at the measuring   The pluggable relays can be replaced
                                              point and at the reference point. The voltage   quickly and easily when required.
                                              fluctuation produced by the thermoelectric
           4-wire connecting technique        effect is very low and is generally only a few
                                              microvolts per Kelvin. Therefore, only the dif-
                                              ference between the thermoelectric voltages
                                              of the materials used is of significance, for
                                              example, thermocouple type J, iron (Fe) and
                       4                      constantan (CuNi).

                                              Also of some significance in the connec-
                                              tion point temperature. This temperature
           The most accurate measuring method
           employs the 4-wire connecting technique.   must be known in order to derive the
           This involves feeding in a low supply   ambient temperature from the thermoelec-
           current via two fully isolated measur-  tric voltage level. This is why the tempera-
           ing circuits via two lines and measuring   ture at the connection point is measured
           the voltage drop across the resistance   by JUMPFLEX  transducers. This value,
           thermometer via the other two lines. This   also referred to as the reference or cold
           method offers the advantage not being   junction, can then be compensated for.
           influenced by line resistance or tempera-  (cold junction compensation)
           ture-induced fluctuations, as the voltage
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