Page 38 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 38
Stage-V: Verication Meeting
12. After receiving the request for 'on-the-spot' verication from the IAs, the
TDW takes the following steps:
a) Immediately requests the IAs to indicate the schemes to be veried (if
not indicated).
b) Requests the Legal Counsel to prepare draft notes for the verication.
This will include the response led by GOI on the schemes to be
veried. In case the verication Agenda is not issued, the TDW makes
preparation for the verication of the schemes which are
countervailed in the PF.
c) Apprises the concerned Central and State Government Departments,
including EPCs to attend the pre-verication meeting and verication
meeting with IAs.
d) Organizes a pre-verication meeting with the concerned ofcers of
Central and State Government Departments and the mandatory
respondents, EPCs to discuss the agenda of the verication meeting.
This meeting helps TDW to identify the issues to be discussed during
the actual verication meeting and also to apprise the representatives
of the concerned departments to share comprehensive information
on the schemes with the IAs, during the verication. The TDW requests
the concerned agencies that the ofcial attending the pre-verication
meeting must attend the actual verication meeting with the
e) Collates information/documents required for the verication. The
same is to be provided by the concerned departments within 2-3-days
after the pre-verication meeting and at least 3-days before the
scheduled verication.
f) Cross veries the responses led by mandatory respondents and the
GOI in various questionnaire responses, including the statistical
g) Facilitate the verication and submits the verication exhibits to the
IAs, after the verication.