Page 38 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 38

Stage-V: Verication Meeting

            12. After receiving the request for 'on-the-spot' verication from the IAs, the
                TDW takes the following steps:

                a)  Immediately requests the IAs to indicate the schemes to be veried (if
                     not indicated).

                b)  Requests the Legal Counsel to prepare draft notes for the verication.
                     This will include the response led by GOI on the schemes to be
                     veried. In case the verication Agenda is not issued, the TDW makes
                     preparation  for  the  verication  of  the  schemes  which  are
                     countervailed in the PF.

                c)   Apprises the concerned Central and State Government Departments,
                     including EPCs to attend the pre-verication meeting and verication
                     meeting with IAs.

                d)  Organizes a pre-verication meeting with the concerned ofcers of
                     Central  and  State  Government  Departments  and  the  mandatory
                     respondents, EPCs to discuss the agenda of the verication meeting.
                     This meeting helps TDW to identify the issues to be discussed during
                     the actual verication meeting and also to apprise the representatives
                     of the concerned departments to share comprehensive information
                     on the schemes with the IAs, during the verication. The TDW requests
                     the concerned agencies that the ofcial attending the pre-verication
                     meeting  must  attend  the  actual  verication  meeting  with  the

                e)  Collates  information/documents  required  for  the  verication.  The
                     same is to be provided by the concerned departments within 2-3-days
                     after  the  pre-verication  meeting  and  at  least  3-days  before  the
                     scheduled verication.

                f)   Cross veries the responses led by mandatory respondents and the
                     GOI  in  various  questionnaire  responses,  including  the  statistical
                g)  Facilitate the verication and submits the verication exhibits to the
                     IAs, after the verication.

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