Page 39 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 39
Stage-V (1): Publishing of the verication report
13. If TDW receives the draft verication report from the IAs, before its
publishing, for bracketing of the condential information, the TDW
examines the same and after approval from AS & DA/ JS (TDW) sends the
same to the IAs.
14. IA publishes the verication report.
15. After the published report is received, the TDW, scrutinizes the Verication
report and prepares points for Case Brief.
Stage-VI: Filing of Case Brief / and Rebuttal Brief
16. As this stage is the nal opportunity for the GOI to provide or submit
arguments on the Preliminary Findings made by the IA, the TDW ensures
that the Case Brief contains the followings:-
a) Counter-arguments on the Preliminary Findings made by IA,
b) The Counter-argument to the petition led by Domestic Industry,
c) WTO Jurisprudence on the schemes of GOI or similarly situated
schemes operated by other countries,
d) Issues raised in Verication Report,
e) Request for Public Hearing or Bilateral consultation (if required).
17. The Legal Counsel prepares the Case Brief and provide it to TDW at least
10-days before the Schedule of ling.
18. The draft Case Brief is reviewed by TDW and sent to TPD for vetting and
comments. The vetted Case Brief, after approval of JS (TDW)/ AS& DA is
sent to counsel or EOI for ling.
Stage-VI(1) Disclosure Statement
19. If TDW receives a disclosure statement, the comment on disclosure is led
within stipulated time. Disclosure is generally issued by EU, Pakistan,
Canada, Brazil, and China.