Page 51 - Overbrook Course Selection Guide
P. 51


        Special  Education  -  Introduction:  The  Individuals  with  Disabilities  Education  Act  (IDEA) and  New  Jersey
        Administrative Code Chapter 6A:14 require that public school districts provide a free and appropriate public
        education (FAPE) to all students classified as eligible for special education and related services. The course
        selections for students with disabilities are finalized through the development of an Individualized Education
        Program (IEP) that encourages collaboration between parents, students, teachers, child study team members, and
        other service providers.

        To  the  maximum  extent  possible,  students  with  disabilities  are  expected  to  adhere  to  the  same  graduation
        requirements as their non-disabled peers. When the nature of their disability is so severe that special education
        instruction  is  warranted,  it  should  address  the  same  content  area  of  proficiency  as  the  general  education


        When it is determined that a student with a disability cannot be successful in the general education setting, the
        district will provide a continuum of alternative placements. Alternative educational placements include:

        Resource Programs
        The high school offers two (2) resource program options: in-class or pull-out replacement.
        In-class resource programs provide specialized instruction or accommodations and modifications to the
        instructional strategies and testing procedures within general education courses.

        Pull-out replacement programs modify the general education instructional strategies based upon student needs as
        determined by the IEP. Instruction will be provided in a setting that offers a reduced pupil/teacher ratio within
        courses that include the core content standards.

        Special Class Programs
        When the IEP team determines that the nature and severity of the student’s disability necessitates more intensive
        instruction, the schedule may include special classes for single or multiple academic or elective subjects. Each
        special class shall serve students who share similar educational, behavioral, or other needs. Instruction will be
        provided in a setting that offers a reduced pupil/teacher ratio.

        Supplementary Instruction
        Supplementary  instruction  may  be  provided  to  students  with  disabilities  who  receive  primary  instruction  in
        general education courses. This program offers a structured learning environment in which students eligible for
        accommodations can complete homework, review class work, develop better study habits, process text material,
        build basic skills and receive personal support and encouragement. Students in grades 9-12 recommended for
        supplementary instruction participate in Study Skills as determined by their IEP.

        Special education course descriptions in specific curricular areas (i.e. English, Science, etc.) can be found in the
        corresponding sections of this Course Selection Guide. The following courses include content that is
        exclusively available to students eligible for special education services.
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