Page 23 - Fleet
P. 23

Whilst at the incident:                                                        Key Points:

       •  Do not admit liability: the insurers will decide who is responsible for the   Incidents need to be reported same-day - claims reported later than this
          incident. Avoid making an apology at the scene. Any statements you make     cost more.
          may be used in evidence against you.
                                                                                      Have a think what caused the incident?
       •  Exchange Details: please complete the card in full and pass to the third
                                                                                      •  90% of incidents are due to a distracted driver
          party. If there is more than one other vehicle involved, please complete
                                                                                      •  What  distracts  you  whilst  driving?
          as many cards as required.

       •  Gather Information: details of any vehicles involved, weather conditions    Do you look around for potential hazards when returning to a parked
          and vehicle occupants. If safe to do so, take photographs of the scene and   vehicle?
          any damage to vehicles.                                                     •  70%  of HSS  incidents  are at low speed  whilst  manoeuvring,  usually  just
                                                                                      after the driver has returned to the vehicle.
       •  Complete all sections on the page: tear off the right hand side of the card
          and exchange your details with any third parties involved.

       •  Contact the HSS Accident Management Support Service on 08009
          172 712

       Useful  Information:                                                           Before  Leaving:

       If there  are any injuries,  call the emergency  services  immediately  on 999
                                                                                      1.  Have HSS insurance  details  been  provided  to any third  parties?
       Call the police to the vehicle incident if:                                    2.  Has the third party provided their contact and insurance details to the HSS
       •  Any vehicle  involved  in the incident  is blocking  the road                   Driver?
       •  Anyone  suspects  a driver of being  intoxicated  with drink  or drugs      3.  Have the details  of all witnesses  been  obtained?
       •  Anyone  suspects  a potential  fraud  or ‘crash  for cash’                  4.  Have photographs  of any vehicle damage  been  taken?
                                                                                      5.  Has the  HSS  Accident  Management  Support  Service  been  contacted?
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