Page 88 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 88
Signs of Deception 129
Body element Symptoms of deceit Significance
Body posture (kinesics relates to body movement; proxemics to personal space
The body is the most Leaning or turning away from the interviewer. A person 10
reliable source of non- telling lies will rarely sit on the front of his chair, lean
verbal communication. forward or sit or stand frontally aligned or ‘face on’ to the
Posture is a reflection of interviewer. He will usually stand or sit at an angle using
the subject’s confidence his shoulders as a defensive barrier. Crossed legs and
arms: the higher they are, the more defensive the barrier
OVERALL POSTURE Sits in a foetal position
Large limbs and trunk into
defensive positions At the opening of the interview or in response to a
Leaning away relevant question, moves his body so that he creates
Body changes in response a barrier with his shoulders and legs and is thus not
to a relevant question frontally aligned
Orientation of body Changing posture before delivering a false answer
Defensive angles Generally the liar’s main body movements are static
(except when severely anxious) and are seldom inclined
towards the interviewer
Breathing Shortage of breath
Increased heartbeat
Rapid pulsing of the carotid artery in the neck 5
Personal space
Initial position Liars will usually try to increase the space around them. 10
Reactive movements They may lean away or pull their chair away from the
Responding to evidence interviewer at the start of the interview. Liars will usually
push away incriminating reminders of their guilt such as
documentary exhibits
Body element Symptoms of deceit Significance
Dynamic movements While sitting down, moving legs towards or under the 10
body or retracted
High crossing to create a defensive barrier
Crossing one on top of the other
Preparing to run
Nervous tapping 8
Raised off the ground when seated or standing
Crossed: the higher up the body the crossing of arms 10
and the tighter they are together, the more defensive the
Moving towards the body