Page 89 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 89

130 Deception at Work

Body element                  Symptoms of deceit                                             Significance


Manipulators are              Manipulators                                                   10
soothing, grooming            Breaches of the normal communications code
movements near to or          Hand to mouth and head gestures
touching the body, the        False scratching (a genuine scratch is usually five times,
mouth, ears or back of the    though be sympathetic to sufferers of eczema or those
neck. They are usually an     with fleas)
indication of deception       Grooming gestures, such as straightening the tie
and are a displacement        Appearing to fall asleep
activity                      Brushing non-existent dust or hairs off clothing
                              Needlessly winding his watch or cleaning his glasses
Demonstrators are             Hands covering stomach or genitalia
used to emphasize a           Micro-expressions (see page [xref])
point and are usually         Demonstrators
movements away from           Breaches of the normal communications code
the body. Consistent use      Hands moving inwards and close to the body
of demonstrators – in         Use of hands to insert punctuation marks in conversation
relation to control and       (such as inverted commas)
relevant questions – are      Failing to touch incriminating evidence
usually an indication of      Frozen arms and hands
truthfulness                  Jerky or nervous movements
                              Hand tremors or trembling
                              Pointing is a sign of anger or assertiveness. When people are
                              telling lies, they do not usually point except when angry
                              Other movements
                              Excessive grip on an object
                              Clenched fists (a sign of anger)
                              Palms other than open; palms downwards; movements
                              may be disguised and subtle
                              Displayed thumbs are a sign of defiance
                              Sits on hands or hides then in his pockets
                              Heavy sweating

Body element                  Symptoms of deceit                                             Significance

Face (may also be conscious)

The face has over 100         Pallid or flushed complexion                                    8
separate muscle groups        Heavy sweating especially on the upper lip
which produce around          Poker faced
20,000 expressions. It is     ‘Stony faced’
one of the most unreliable    Micro-expressions
indicators of deception.      False smiles (see page [xref])
However, the face makes       Expression after an emotional outburst
micro-expressions which       Transient expressions
are straight from the         Asymmetrical expressions: for example a ‘crooked smile’
subconscious and last for
less than a second. You will
notice these
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