Page 54 - Megaprojects Playbook
P. 54

2       DRAX BIOMASS (Q4 2012 - Q4 2015)

                   The Drax biomass projects were developed by Drax Group, (a Yorkshire England power utility) in response
                   to environmental regulations that called for the elimination of coal as a fuel source. In addition to these
                   two fuel production plants in Louisiana and Mississippi, Drax invested more than $1 billion to convert
                   their coal-fired plants to burn biofuels. Incentives for conversion were expected to be received from
                   the UK government, and the costs of conversion were expected to be passed to the rate payers.
                   These biomass plants converted softwood pine trees into a pellet-shaped biofuel that would be transferred by truck
                   or rail to the Port of Baton Rouge for bulk ship transport to Yorkshire. The renewable fuel cost was considerably more
                   expensive than coal, and the fuel density was approximately half a much in terms of BTUs per ton. Haskell was selected
                   to provide design-build/EPC services after multiple rounds of proposals, negotiations and BAFO’s. The client relocated
                   a small team from Yorkshire to manage the project. They were deeply involved in the selection of the processing
                   systems, contractors and plant arrangements. The two sites were designed to be identical in process systems with
                   variations as required to respond to the site geometry and the addition of a rail car loading system in Louisiana.

                 SPECIFICATIONS                               SERVICES

                     ◆  Each plant was designed to produce 450,000     ◆  Complete AE Design
                      MTon/year using 970,000 MTon of green         ◆  Process Engineering
                      raw material (Southern Yellow Pine)
                                                                    ◆  Process Materials Handling & Control Design
                     ◆  Operation 7,500 hours/year
                                                                    ◆  Process Simulation & Emulation
                     ◆  80% of raw material received in
                      logs & 20% as residual chips                  ◆  Equipment Procurement
                     ◆  Stacker/Reclaimer to store/                 ◆  Permitting & Construction Management
                      retrieve 2,000,000 FT  chips                  ◆  Structural Steel Fabrication
                     ◆  Stacker/Reclaimer to store/                 ◆  Concrete Tilt-Up Walls
                      retrieve 200,000 FT  bark
                                                                    ◆  Start-up & Commissioning
                     ◆  Rotary drum equipped with WESP              ◆  Operation & Maintenance Training
                      and RTO for emission control
                     ◆  Truck / Rail load out

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