Page 1 - Jewish News_March 2021
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March 1 – 25, 2021
Mar ch 1 – 25 , 202 1
The Jewish Federation
50 Years March 2021 - Adar/Nisan 5781 Volume 51, Number 3
INSIDE THIS Chaifetz Family Holocaust Remembrance
ISSUE: Park to feature works of Michigan sculptor
18A Community Focus By Gayle Guynup
“For those of us who grew up in
26A Jewish Interest s plans for The Jewish Feder- homes with those who survived the ber of things really affected me and my
work. The first was reading books by
ation of Sarasota-Manatee’s
34A Israel & the Jewish World A33-acre campus redevelop- endless inhumanity,” said Edie, speak- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. One story she
35A Commentary ment begin to unfold, they include ing from her own experience, “we will told was of a woman in the barracks
plans for an outdoor Holocaust ed-
during the Holocaust who would paint
have a safe place to remember and
40A Focus on Youth ucational area. The Chaifetz Family never forget.” butterflies on the walls. Kubler-Ross
43A Life Cycle Holocaust Remembrance Park will be An integral part of the park will held that up as a real triumph of the
1B Jewish Happenings a significant addition to the new Lar- be a series of sculptures that will help human spirit.” Olszewski had gone to
ry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus
work in Germany at an auto design
educate the community about the Holo-
for Jewish Life and is expected to draw caust. They are being created by Mich- company. While there, he had the op-
locals as well as visitors to the campus. igan-based artist Steven Olszewski. portunity to visit Dachau. “It moved
“The Jewish Federation of Sara- Olszewski has been sculpting since me in ways that are hard to describe. I
sota-Manatee believes that teaching he was in the third grade. “My dad and got there very early in the morning, and
and learning about the Holocaust is I would sculpt little dinosaurs at the there was almost no one there. I could
essential,” said Chief Development kitchen table after dinner – just for actually feel the echoes from those hor-
6A Strategist Barbara Mazer. “It is only fun,” he said. “When I went to school, rible days,” he said.
Olszewski began incorporating a
I never thought art was a viable career
by understanding and confronting
The Daffodil Project, a program such atrocities that we as a society can choice. But I amassed so many arts lot of ideas that came out of those ex-
empowering Holocaust prevent such tragedies in the future.” credits, I finally went ahead and got my periences into his work.
He became involved in the Holo-
education, comes to Sarasota Holocaust education is of paramount Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. caust Remembrance Park project fol-
“About 20 years ago, I really
importance to David and Edie Chai-
fetz, who provided the lead gift for the changed the tone of my work. I was lowing a chance meeting with Jewish
park. going through a life crisis, and a num- continued on page 2A
Committee undertakes search for new CEO
By Gayle Guynup
19A hen Howard Tevlowitz, CEO objectivity and doing heimer, Veronica Brady,
Children draw powerful lesson of The Jewish Federation what is best for the organi- Randon Carvel, David
from Embracing Our Differences Wof Sarasota-Manatee, an- zation,” Morganroth add- Millstone, Mike Ritter,
book donation nounced his retirement, effective De- ed. “Howard has been in Wayne Ruben and Rabbi
Jennifer Singer.
the position for 20 years,
cember 31, 2021, the search for a new
CEO began. which is a long tenure for “Our next step was
Federation President Randon Car- a CEO. Hopefully, the to obtain help from a
vel selected Federation board member leader we select will be search firm, Sageview
Dr. Joel Morganroth to chair the search there for another 20 years Consulting in Colorado,
committee. “I got a call from the pres- and will be as successful which will help the com-
ident, and he convinced me that I was as Howard has been. It is mittee identify a slate
41A the right person for the job, probably a big responsibility to find of potential candidates,”
Community Day School because I am relatively new to the the right person and it Howard Tevlowitz Morganroth said. “We
showcases learning through area. There is an advantage to that, as I requires a lot of due diligence.” interviewed several firms and then se-
don’t come with any preconceptions or
lected Sageview because we thought
The first step was to establish a
“Learning on Display” biases,” Morganroth said. national search committee, consisting it was the best fit for our culture and
“Looking for a new CEO requires of Morganroth, Vice Chair Patti Wert- continued on page 3A
A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life NON-PROFIT ORG.
Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 U.S. POSTAGE
Annual voluntary subscription: $25 PAID
See our ad on page 3A
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