Page 235 - Mechatronics with Experiments
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                             the program starts is called the temporary data, and is stored in the RAM. When power is
                             turned OFF, information in the RAM is lost. The exception to this is battery backed-RAM,
                             where the data is not lost when power is turned OFF to the computer because the battery still
                             keeps the RAM powered. Flash memory has the characteristics of both ROM and RAM.
                                  Flash memory is a type of EEPROM memory which is packaged as “flash-disk” or
                             “flash-stick” as a permanent data storage device, that is a solid-state permanent data store
                             device without any mechanically moving parts. It retains its content when power is turned
                             OFF, like a ROM, and it can be re-written, like a RAM. Read access time is in the order of
                             that of dynamic RAM. Erase and re-write time is significantly slower compared to RAM. It
                             offers random access read, but not random access write operations because it can be erased
                             and re-written in ”blocks.” Typically, flash memory can be used for about 100 000 re-write
                                  A microcontroller is a single-chip integrated circuit (IC) computer. PIC stands for
                             peripheral interface controller. PIC is a trade name given to a series of microcontrollers
                             manufactured by Microchip Technology Inc. We will be using the PIC 18F452 chip for the
                             laboratory experiments. The PIC 18F452 has five bidirectional input–output ports, named
                             Ports A to E. Port A is 7-bit wide port while Port E is 3-bits wide (Figure 4.6). The other
                             ports, B to D, are all 8-bit ports. Port pins are labeled RA0 through RA6, RB0 through RB7,
                             RC0 through RC7, RD0 through RD7, and RE0 through RE2. Hence, the total number of
                             pins at ports A through E is 7 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 3 = 34 out of a 40-pin DIP package of PIC
                             18F452 chip (Figure 4.6). The remaining pins are used for V  (two pins), V  (two pins),
                                                                             DD           SS
                             OSC1∕CLK1, MCLR∕V . Most of the pins are software configurable for one of multiple
                             functions between general purpose I/O and peripheral I/O. Using registers in the chip, one
                             function is selected for each pin under software control.
                                  The PIC 18F452 is an 8-bit microcontroller based on the Harvard architecture. It is
                             available in 40-pin DIP, 44-pin PLCC, and 44-pin TQFP packages. In the 44-pin packages,
                             4 of the pins are not used and labeled as NC. The Harvard architecture separates the program
                             memory and the data memory. During a single instruction cycle, both program instructions

                                     MCLR/Vpp        1              40       RB7
                                      RA0/AN0        2              39       RB6
                                      RA1/AN1        3              38       RB5
                                 RA2/AN2/Vref–       4              37       RB4
                                RA3/AN3/Vref+        5              36       RB3/CCP2*
                                    RA4/T0CKI        6              35       RB2/INT2
                             RA5/AN4/SS/LVDIN        7              34       RB1/INT1
                                   RE0/RD/AN5        8              33       RB0/INT0
                                   RE1/WR/AN6        9              32       Vdd
                                   RE2/CS/AN7        10       PIC18F4×2  31  VSS
                                          Vdd        11             30       RD7/PSP7
                                          Vss        12             29       RD6/PSP6
                                    OSC1/CLKI        13             28       RD5/PSP5
                                OSC2/CLKO/RA6        14             27       RD4/PSP4
                              RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI        15             26       RC7/RX/DT
                               RC1/T1OSI/CCP2*       16             25       RC6/TX/CK
                                     RC2/CCP1        17             24       RC5/SDO
                                  RC3/SCK/SCL        18             23       RC4/SDI/SDA
                                     RD0/PSP0        19             22       RD3/PSP3
                                     RD1/PSP1        20             21       RD2/PSP2
                             FIGURE 4.6: Pin diagrams of the PIC 18F452 microcontroller (DIP 40-pin model shown).
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