Page 135 - Election Book-ENG
P. 135
Former representative Kyung-Wook Min was born in Incheon.
He studied in Public Administration from Yonsei University and
earned a Master’s in the same field from Yonsei’s Graduate School
of International Studies. After joining KBS in 1991, he worked
as a reporter and anchor, covering politics, society, and editorial
topics, and later served as a Washington correspondent. He won
several awards, including the Korea Journalist Association's
Reporter of the Month and the Korean Broadcasting Award
twice. After his journalism career, he became the spokesperson
for President Park Geun-Hye from 2014 to 2016. Elected to the
National Assembly in 2016, he held multiple leadership roles
within his party. After losing in the 2020 election due to fraud, he
became the permanent representative of the April 15th Election
Fraud National Struggle Headquarters and has continued his
fight against election fraud by founding the Gagahoho Public
Election Party.
Jun-Hee Park runs the Kkapuka YouTube channel, where he uses
a "real-life participation character" concept to raise awareness
about election fraud both online and offline. He also wrote and
directed the documentary film ‘Why (៵): The Cartel’, which deeply
analyzes various statistical and material evidence uncovered in
the 2020 April 15th general election. After four months of filming
and editing, the documentary was completed and became a key
piece of evidence presented in the Constitutional Court, where
it was cited as a significant factor for President Yoon Suk-Yeol to
declare martial law on December 3rd.