Page 84 - Election Book-ENG
P. 84
5. Exposing Electoral Manipulation
Through Data Analysis
and Demands for Fairness
• Interview Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024
• Participants: Professor Heo Byeong-Gi and “Sigolchonbu” (YouTuber)
Introduction Abstract:
Allegations of Electoral Fraud and Data-Driven Evidence
Professor Byeong-Gi Heo and YouTuber “Sigolchonbu”
presented detailed evidence and analytical findings regarding
allegations of electoral fraud during South Korea’s 2020 general
election and the 2022 presidential election. !eir analysis focused
on manipulated vote counting software and irregular patterns
during early voting, which they argued skewed results in favor
of Democratic Party candidates. Through statistical anomalies
and data discrepancies in speci#c regions, they exposed the scale
and mechanisms of fraud while proposing measures to restore
electoral transparency and fairness.
84 Election Fraud in South Korea: Documenting the Truth