Page 92 - 2023 SCCTM Conference Program Book_Neat
P. 92
Friday Session F78 9:30 - 10:20 203
Balanced Numeracy - Reaching All Students
Get ready to make your math instruction data-driven, dynamic, and engaging! Balanced
Numeracy is an effective way to structure and organize your math block while providing
necessary differentiation to reach ALL students. It's the structure you always wanted, yet
struggled to achieve. Rescue your math class today with Balanced Numeracy!
Interest Level: Prek - Grade - 8
Crystal Emery
STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning
Friday Session F79 9:30 - 10:20 Atrium Alcove
Student Support for Upper Grades with Discus
Explore the opportunities to support students both in and out of the classroom with Discus!
Learn how students, families, and educators have access to live 24/7 tutoring. Students can
drop off math questions for help from a professional and receive targeted intervention. Support
students as they prepare for SAT, ACT, AP exams and more! Provide extra help with videos to
aid in understanding and comprehension of skills. Gain access to math skill improvement
resources in a variety of subjects. Content includes tutorials, practice, eBooks, videos and
more! Discus- South Carolina's Virtual Library is a service of the South Carolina State Library
for all South Carolina residents.
Interest Level: Grades 8 - 12, Coaches, Leaders, Teacher Educators, General Interest, Preservice
Kristen Rebollar
South Carolina State Library