Page 93 - 2023 SCCTM Conference Program Book_Neat
P. 93
Friday Session F80 9:30 - 10:20 Exhibit Hall Room
The SCEA Advantage: Jeopardy Showdown
Unlock a world of opportunities with The SCEA! Join us for an exciting game of Jeopardy, where
you'll explore the incredible advantages of membership. In this interactive session, you will learn
about The SCEA's unwavering support, valuable resources, and ongoing advocacy efforts. From
our #CEWL professional development opportunities to member-exclusive resources and a
dynamic community of educators dedicated to making a difference, discover how being part of
The SCEA can enhance your professional life. Don't miss this chance to play, learn, and win with
Interest Level: General
Melody Bolinger
Upstate UniServ Director
Friday Session F81 10:30 - 11:20 102A
Motivating, Engaging, and Inspiring Hard to Reach Students
This interactive session will explore how to create a classroom culture that supports equity
and mastery for students. The session will be structured in five parts. First, we will discuss
research on the four cultures of praise, competence, belonging, and autonomy that support
mastery for students. We will explore how these moves are equity moves in the classroom.
Second, we will present ways in which these four cultures can be implemented in the
classroom to support student engagement and mastery. We will share examples and strategies
for creating a positive classroom culture.Third, we will review personal data that demonstrates
how these cultures have improved student outcomes. Participants will gain insight into the
potential benefits of using these four cultures in their classrooms. Finally, participants will
engage in small group and whole group discussions to reflect on these cultures and consider
how they can increase them in their own classrooms. They will share their ideas and
experiences and learn from each other.
By the end of the session, participants will have a better understanding of the four cultures that
support mastery for students and how to implement them in their own classrooms. They will
have a plan for building a positive classroom culture that promotes equity and mastery for all
Participants will need their device (laptop/phone). We will be working through Padlet to capture
thoughts and I will use it as a way to share out the brilliance in the room. Everything will be
electronic. I will use the overhead projector and present through a PowerPoint.
Interest Level: Grades 6 - 12
James O'Neal
Mastery For All, LLC