Page 27 - 2019 Full SCCTM Conference Program
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                 8:00 - 9:00         Session 11                           6th - 12th                                Exhibit Hall 3

                Erasing FEARS in Mathematics Through the Super Powers of
                        Engagement, Relevancy, Rigor, and Collaboration

               In this session, participants will walk away with multiple strategies that promote
               engagement in the math class. The strategies are based on the mathematical process

               NCTM Principles to Actions: Implementing Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving, Using and Connecting
               Mathematical Representations, Supporting Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics

                                        Alvin Allen & Dominique Bennett
                                                 Richland School District 1

                8:30 - 9:30          Session 12                            9th - 12th                              Atrium Alcove
                                                Inquiry in a Desmos Kind of Way

               Desmos is an awesome tool to implement inquiry in your lessons. We will use Desmos
               to improve your lessons by using inquiry and conceptual exploration of math concepts.

               NCTM Principles to Actions: Implementing Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving, Using and Connecting
               Mathematical Representations, Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse, Building Procedural Fluency from Conceptual
               Understanding, Supporting Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics, Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking
                                          Joanna Myles, Easley High School

                 8:00 - 9:30         Session 13                           3rd - 8th                                       102A

                           Enhancing Your SC READY Superpowers

               The South Carolina Office of Assessment will share with participants the aspects of
               essential elements of Universal Design in summative assessments. Attendees will learn
               how these guide the development of SC READY. Additionally, we will provide any
               updates for the 2019-2020 SC READY assessment.

               NCTM Principles to Actions: Using and Connecting Mathematical Representations, Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse,
               Posing Purposeful Questions, Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking

                                      Daniel Cammisa & Marquita Blaylock
                                          South Carolina Department of Education

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