Page 87 - 2019 Full SCCTM Conference Program
P. 87
11:45 - 12:45 Session 170 3 – 12 104A
It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay: Errors as Opportunities for Learning in Math
Use student errors and misconceptions as opportunities for learning. The use of student
thinking—even erroneous thinking—is critical in high-quality instruction. Learn how to
create a culture to appreciate productive struggle in math classrooms and the
meaningful learning that comes from the process.
NCTM Principles to Actions: NCTM Principles to Actions: Establishing Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning, Implementing Tasks
that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving, Using and Connecting Mathematical Representations, Posing Purposeful Questions,
Supporting Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics, Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking
Brad Fountain, Discovery Education
11:45 - 12:45 Session 171 PreK - 5th 104B
Harnessing the Power of Teacher Collaboration Through Unit
Join us as we model how to use unit planning to encourage teacher collaboration. You'll
walk away ready to replicate this process with your peers.
NCTM Principles to Actions: Establishing Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning
Kristen Griffin, Stephanie Burdette, & Austin Greene
Greenville County Schools
11:45 - 12:45 Session 172 6 – 12 201
All Students can be Mathletes!
Teachers need to be intentional to engage and motivate all students. This session
features 3 strategies teamed with topics from general math, from Algebra I, and from
Algebra II to equip learners with a CAN DO attitude as the goal.
NCTM Principles to Actions: Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning, Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse, Supporting
Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics, Strategies For Student Engagement and Motivation
Don Rogers
The Right Addition, LLC