Page 285 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 285
flowers 283
Pine Burr 1930s or 1940s, eBay purchase in 2015. 63"x78" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Medium weight. Back-
ing: Cotton, peach to match the top. Edge: Outside a sawtooth border is a ½" wide tape, peach to match,
applied by hand on both sides. Piecing: By machine, appliquéd flowers by hand. Quilting: By hand, 4
stitches to the inch, in clamshell pattern. Condition: Very good. It has been washed once, which removed
two brown spots on the white front. Comment: It has a sleeve on the back for displaying it. Seller calls the
pattern "feathered square." Haders’ guide (1981, 1983) has several similar sawtooth designs.
Figure 244: Pine Burr