Page 284 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 284
my mom had a
quilt like that
Trapunto Flowers No age provided. Following an antique show, I wrote to and bought the quilt from a
dealer in Oregon in 1996. It came from Prineville, OR. 75"x58" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Cotton. Backing:
White cotton. Edge: Green tape by hand ¼" to each side. Piecing: Applique by hand. Quilting: By hand,
9-10 stitches per inch except around trapunto designs, where stitching is continuous, in arcs in the border,
trapunto baskets of flowers in white fields, straight lines ½" apart around flowers. Condition: Very good.
Unfortunately it required laundering because of the spot showing in the middle, which faded, but did not
wash out completely, and some of the green leaves bled onto the neighboring white. Comment: Well stuffed
baskets, vines and leaves in true trapunto.
Figure 243: Trapunto Flowers