Page 209 - Prosiding Agraria
P. 209


                           PENATAAN AKSES UNTUK MENINGKATKAN

                                         PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH

                            Eko Suharto , Suhendro , Sri Widodo , Amalia Salsa Hardini     4
                                         1234 Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional
                                    *corresponding author:

            Abstract: TAP MPR IX/2001 was established in order to update agrarian policy, which was strengthened by
            Presidential Decree 34/2003  on national  policy in  the land  sector.  This is  strengthened by  the issuance  of
            Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 62 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Agrarian Implementation
            which is a substitute for Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018 concerning Agrarian Reform. In Presidential
            Regulation No. 62 of 2023, it is stated that in addition to Asset Reform, there is Access Reform by providing the
            community with wider access to utilize land with technical and financial support regulated in the Implementation
            Guidelines for Gugus Tugas Reforma Agraria (GTRA).   The objectives of this research are: (1) To examine in depth
            the implementation of access arrangement for the first year, second year and third year in Tegal Regency; (2) To
            examine in depth the level of community welfare after participating in the agrarian reform access arrangement
            program qualitatively and quantitatively in Tegal Regency. This research used Mixed Methods of Concurrent
            Embedded Method, namely: combining qualitative and quantitative research methods by giving unequal weight.
            The results showed that: 1)  The first year of access arrangement in Kasuben Village was appropriate even though
            it was still at the social mapping stage, but there was potential that could be developed, namely the existence
            of the typical Kesuben Duku and the effects of the Shoe Factory Development so that the community began to
            build boarding houses by using the land certificates resulting from the asset arrangement; 2) In Dermasandi
            Village, the second year’s access arrangement focused on fish processing groups. The second year’s location
            was not appropriate because the participants in the access arrangement were entrepreneurs who were already
            economically empowered and seemed to have been chosen only to fulfill the land office’s work program; 3) The
            third year of access arrangement in Buniwah Village proved to be effective, where goat farmers experienced an
            increase in welfare with the ability to process animal feed and better livestock security. Although the welfare of
            the people of Buniwah Village has increased and is categorized as high, this increase is more due to the variables
            of income and consumption, while other variables have not shown significant changes.
            Keywords: Community Empowerment, Access Reform and Community Welfare

            Intisari:  TAP  MPR  IX/2001 ditetapkan dalam  rangka  memperbarui  kebijakan agraria,  yang diperkuat oleh
            Keputusan Presiden 34/2003  tentang kebijakan nasional  di  bidang  pertanahan.  Hal ini  diperkuat  dengan
            terbitnya Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 62 Tahun 2023 Tentang Percepatan Pelaksanaan Agraria yang
            merupakan pengganti Peraturan Presiden Nomor 86 Tahun 2018 Tentang Reforma Agraria. Dalam Peraturan
            Presiden  Nomor Tahun 2023 disebutkan bahwa disamping Penataan Aset, terdapat Penataan Akses dengan
            memberikan kepada masyarakat akses lebih luas untuk memanfaatkan lahan dengan dukungan teknis dan
            pembiayaan yang diatur dalam Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Gugus Tugas Rreforma Agraria (GTRA).   Tujuan penelitian
            ini yaitu: (1) Mengkaji secara mendalam pelaksanaan penataan akses untuk tahun pertama, tahun kedua dan
            tahun ketiga di Kabupaten Tegal; (2) Mengkaji secara mendalam besarnya tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat
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