Page 58 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 58

Humble Intercontinental Chapter sup- Top Ladies and Top Teens of Lake Houston Chapter
ported NCNW in recognition of Mary McCloud Bethu-        served as volunteers and  distributed more than 5,452
                                                         pounds of food monthly    which included a variety of
                                                         fresh fruits and vegetables and many other groceries and

                                                         products. Lady Borders, Chapter Organizer, estimates
                                                         that more than 50,000 pounds of food were distributed

                                                         over a 10 month period. According to recent statistics
                                                         released by the Houston Food Bank, 26.1 percent of

                                                         youth struggle with food insecurity, or limited and un-
                                                         certain access to adequate food and nutrition, in the 18-

                                                         county Greater Houston Area. Additionally, senior citi-
                                                         zens face a number of unique medical and mobility

                                                         challenges that put them at a greater risk of hunger.
                                                         Many are forced to make the tough choice between

                                                         buying food and medicine, and others struggle to access
                                                         food without reliable transportation.

ne birthday. Teens and Ladies participated in the annu-

al mentoring event at Texas Southern University. The     Nonpareil  Chapter        Thrust       and  Project  Com-
chapter Top Ladies interviewed Top Teens in a session

designed to allow them to get acquainted. The chapter mittee Chairs partnered with the Louisiana Department
Top Teens received advice and set goals for the year. of Transportation Department (DOTD). This partner-

There were thirty-five Top Teens present and twenty- ship allowed committee members to receive special
six Top Ladies.                                          training and approval to “Adopt A Road” under Top

                                                         Ladies of Distinction, Inc.-Nonpareil Chapter. Thus,
                                                         the Keep America Beautiful Chair, Lady Diane Drake

                                                         and the Community Beautification Chair, Lady Errin
                                                         Gaines set out to train others for safety and to imple-

Lake Houston Chapter aids in distributing                ment appropriate road standards. Also, the committee
                                                         chairs acquired a sign, proper attire, equipment, and
more than 50,000 pounds of Food to North Forest          supplies. Meanwhile, a calendar was created for “Clean-
Residents. Fonwood Early Childhood Center (ECC),         UP”! The Top Ladies continue to adhere to the calen-
under the leadership of Lady Kimberly Agnew Borders,     dar (weather permitting) and the Top Teens continue to

                                                         employ Mantra #2-Ownership; Mantra # 6-Teamwork

                                                         and Mantra #7-Unity via TLOD Project-Keep America
                                                         Beautiful and TLOD Thrust-Community Beautification.

Principal, hosted the Houston Food Bank Mobile Unit
and food distribution for 10 months during September
2017 - June 2018 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the
parking lot.
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