Page 61 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 61

Hampton Roads Chapter Top Ladies of chain Shoppers Food Warehouse in Oxon Hill, Mary-
Distinction, Inc. partnered with the Sisters Network        land to register residents in time for the 2018 midterm
Hampton Roads Virginia to celebrate Cancer Survivors        elections. The Top Ladies set up a table outside of the
and Caregivers with an educational workshop and des-        grocery store to emphasize to more than 60 incoming
serts. The guest speaker was Brenda R. West (licensed       and outgoing grocery shoppers the importance of regis-
practical nurse at HPHC) who is also the blood sister of    tering and getting out to vote. The chapter also shared
Lady Paula Ridley and they’re both cancer survivors.        with shoppers information about the mission of TLOD,
The ladies were taught how to administer a proper           Inc. As a result of the Top Ladies’ hard work, 15 Mary-
breast self-exam and created necklaces with different       land residents registered to vote that day.

size beads that represented the lumps you would feel        The chapter’s assiduous efforts also led to the blossom-
for during your exam. The workshop was very informa-        ing of new alliances and potential partnerships to in-
tive and the partnership with Sister Network will con-      clude the local branch of the League of Women Voters
tinue.                                                      and Shoppers Food Warehouse. The chapter is commit-

                                                            ted to continuing to register residents until the board of
                                                            elections’ deadline, and it plans to partner with the

                                                            League of Women Voters and the Prince George’s
                                                            County Branch of the NAACP to assist residents with

                                                            understanding the voting process and arrange transpor-
                                                            tation to the polls.

                                                                       Area III

                                                            Will County Black Diamond Chapter

                                                            of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. was excited to kick
                                                            off their Fall season with an All Black Day party held at
                                                            Raven’s Place in Blue Island, Illinois. The ladies part-

Prince George’s County Chapter

launched a voter registration drive as part of the nation-
wide “When We All Vote” initiative on September 29,

                                                                   nered with the Theta Mu Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi

                                                                   Alpha Fraternity Inc. to bring awareness to both organi-
                                                                   zations. The event attracted over 100 supporters who
                                                                   put on their best black attire to enjoy an afternoon of
                                                                   networking, dancing and learning about all of the bene-
                                                                   ficial work of the Top Ladies of Distinction. The event
                                                                   also provided a great opportunity for guests to get bet-
                                                                   ter acquainted with the Will County Black Diamond
                                                                   Top Ladies. Proceeds from this event will help support
                                                                   the chapter programs and provide Top Teens of Ameri-
2018. The chapter solicited the help of local grocery ca scholarship funds.
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