Page 64 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 64

Area V

Dayton Chapter Top Ladies of Distinction,

worked to support the Dayton VA Medical Centers An-
nual Stand-down event which was held on Friday Au-
gust 17, 2018.

Top Ladies collected personal care items for the event
and helped to promote the wellbeing of female veterans
that have served our country. Local news covered the
event and featured, Lady Carmela Daniels who coordi-
nates the Veteran Stand-down event each year.

                                                            Indianapolis Chapter partnered to host the
                                                            “It’s a Family Affair Community Block Party” with Al-

Greater Cleveland Chapter hosted its inau-                  pha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated; Alpha Mu
                                                            Omega Chapter, Studio G and Liberation West on Au-
gural end of program year Community Awareness Day           gust 25, 2018 at Lafayette Square Mall. It was a commu-
(CAD), in cooperation with our corporate sponsors           nity partnership event aimed at providing resources to
Cleveland Clinic SouthPointe Hospital, Northeast Ohio       the community. The theme was “Children and Families
Neighborhood Health Services and AARP Ohio this             Thrive when Communities Care.” TLOD had booths
year. The all-day event provided over 300 men and           for each of the five Thrust. Top Ladies volunteered to
women, expecting mothers, new parents, caretakers of        stuff bags and book bags the night before the event.
children, youth ages 5-19, parents/guardians, mid-lifers

ages 20-69, and senior citizens ages 70 and up an inter-    The Top Teens set up the Kidz Zone games and prizes
active opportunity to discuss their issues and concerns     and assisted children playing games. The Senior Citizens
around health care disparities. The events theme fo-        thrust distributed pamphlets on AARP services and sen-
cused on strategies, knowledge, supports, and resource      ior resources. The Status of Women thrust distributed
tools available to residents to better access and utilize   pamphlets on the Breast cancer and job search. The
quality health care. Over 20 community officials and        Community Beatification thrust distributed Keep Amer-
agencies served as panelists, moderators and vendors.       ica Beautiful pamphlets. Community Partnership show-
The Chapter focus is providing services to eliminate        cased our partnership with NAACP, UNCF, Sickle Cell,
healthcare, employment, and education disparities.          March of Dimes and St. Jude.

Community health officials discussed infant and mater-
nal mortality in Cuyahoga County. The Chapter’s TTA/
Youth Track targeted Healthy Choices: Food choices,
nutrition and Bullying: How to combat the psychologi-
cal impact of bullying; its effect on teen suicide, school
support services and a discussion on Teens and Police
Relations with police officers. The Adult Track ad-
dressed Health Disparities and accessing care/treatment
for heart health, cardiovascular health, cancer screening,
lung disease; and an interactive session on Caregiving.
The attendees were coached on how to advocate for
better health services and visited our health and wellness
information/resources vendors and participated in
blood pressure, glucose, BMI, Sickle Cell screenings.
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