Page 69 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 69

Top Ladies In The News

                    Area V                                 Area VI

                    Lady Regina Majors,                    Lady Rickeena
                    was recently elected to serve on
                    the National Board of Directors        Boyd-Kamei a
                    for the National Council of Negro
                    Women, Inc. She is a member of         mem-ber of the San
                    the Indianapolis Chapter, serving      Diego by the Bay
                    under the direction of chapter         Chapter was re-cently
                    president, Lady Marsha Wells.          featured in the June/
                    Lady Regina is a life member of        July 2018 issue of the
                    the National Council of Negro          California Educator. She
                    Women, Inc. and has been a             was featured as one of the
                                                           few teachers in the state
member since 2004.                                         working to eradicate
                                                           Lady Rickeena is a teacher whhoumdeadnictaratefsficakginrega.t deal of
                                                           her time educating teachers and community members
She is the immediate past president of the NCNW Indi-      on how to identify and assist victims of human
anapolis Section and currently the Second Vice Presi-      trafficking.
dent of NCNW Indianapolis Section and a member of

the Indiana Life Members Guild.                            The featured article reports that California has the high-

Lady Regina is a Heritage Member of Tuskegee Airmen,       est number of reported incidents of human trafficking
Inc., Vice President of the Indianapolis Indiana Chapter   in the country and most people are familiar with sex
and National Membership Chair for Tuskegee Airmen,         trafficking based on what they have seen in movies, but
Inc. She is a part-time adjunct facilitator in the commu-  that most of those cases are human trafficking. Human
                                                           trafficking includes domestic servants, field workers, the
nity and facilitator of 14 years for The Center for Lead-  solicitation of candy and magazines.
ership Development.

                                                                    For more information, you may read the article (page
Lady Regina has been employed at State Auto Insurance 22) and familiarize yourself with the warning signs. You
Company for the last 25 years. She is currently an Audit may save a life! Go to:
Specialist. She is the mother of 1 son and 2 grandchil- i/994766-june-july-2018/41
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