Page 70 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 70

Top Ladies and Lords
                                     In The News

                    Lord Gerald Dodd a teen, Lady Nichole presently serves her home church,
                                                                         Prosperity MBC and Southern BC as choir director; The
                    and Lady            Brenda                           Sister’s Ministry as Worship Leader and joyfully sings in
                    Dodd                                                 The Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. Choir. Lady
                                       were the

                    recipients of the Excellence Nichole, an educator and coordinator of 25 years, is
                    in Faith Based Engagement passionate about her faith, family and giving back to the
                    Award presented by the community. Lady Nichole is a member of the Ladera
                    Inland Valley News, Inc. Heights Chapter where she serves as Recording Secre-
                    at their 21st Annual tary. In Area VI, she serves as the Area Community
                    Celebration of Excellence Beautification Chairperson and Music Coordinator.
                    Awards Gala and Dinner
                    at the Double-tree by
                    Hilton in Ontario,
of the few true celebrationCs aolifotrhneia.acThhieevemveennttiss oande

contributions of people in Southern California.                                                      Lord Calvin

Lord Gerald Dodd and Lady Brenda Dodd serve as                                                       Shriner service to our
the Pastoral leaders of the Baptist Church of the New                                                country during World

Covenant in Norwalk, CA. Under the leadership of                                                     War II impressed Top
the Dodd’s, the members of New Covenant are en-                                                      Teen William Harris of

couraged to reach beyond the walls of the church to                                                  the San Diego by the Bay
make a meaningful difference in the many lives of the                                                Chapter. His service mo-

people God brings into their presence. The church is                                                 tivated Teen William to
involved with several outreach activities that provide                                               ask Lord Shiner to speak

food, clothing and general donations. Lady Brenda J.                                                 at a Spirit of ‘45 (a nation-
Dodd currently serves as the National Area VI Direc-                                                 al organization that hon-

tor of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. She is a member ors World War II veterans) event held on August 12,
of the Ladera Heights Chapter where she serves as 2018. Lord Shiner served as a Quartermaster in the U.S.

chapter treasurer.                                                       Army before President Truman’s Executive Order 9981
                                                                         desegregated the military.

                                                                         While at the event Lord Shiner was invited to participate

                                                                         in Honor Flight San Diego’s trip to Washington D.C.
                                                                         that took place this past September. Eighty veterans
Lady Nicole Buchanan             Dodd  was       honored
                                                                         were selected from San Diego and with their
by Musicians in Action to                                                “guardians” and a local news crew on an American
receive their 2018 Music Min-                                            Airlines jet chartered especially for them. The veterans
                                                                         were welcomed in Washington D.C. by the fire
istry Award for 35 years of                                              department and great fanfare. Lord Shiner said the trip
service as a choir director and                                          was “first class all the way!” The veterans spent a
                                                                         weekend visiting memorials and museums, including
praise and worship leader to                                             Arlington National Cemetery and the World War II
the local church music minis-                                            Memorial. They were escorted by police the entire trip.
                                                                         Lord Shiner enjoyed the trip and was immensely grateful
try. The event was held at the
Renaissance LAX Hotel in

Los Angeles, California.

A choir director since she was                                           for the experience.
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