Page 68 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 68

Top Ladies In The News
          Area III

La dy Fel icia -Hodgkin Lymphoma, Lady Nicole endured countless
                                                                months of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treat-
Houston, Health &                                               ments. With her faith in God, support of family and
                                                                friends, and excellent care from Northwestern Hospital,
Wellness Chair of the                                           she is now cancer free.
Will County Black Dia-
mond Chapter, partici-
                                    pates in many organiza-
                                    tions that provide an ave-  During her treatment, Nicole believes God placed a call-
                                    nue for her to show her     ing on her life to bring awareness to lymphoma and be a
                                    compassion and dedica-
                                    tion to her community       witness of his miraculous healing power. In 2017, she
                                    and the people around       founded The Nicole Cares Foundation, a 501(c) 3 non-
                                                                profit organization dedicated to assisting people affected
her. With more than 20 years of experience in the Men-          by lymphoma. Through their “Hope to Hospitals” pro-
tal Health field, she facilitates workshops and presenta-       gram, volunteers deliver care packages and offer prayer
tions on mental health, work-life balance and mentors           to people receiving inpatient treatments.

youth, all while staying attentive to educating, empower-       Lady Nicole was featured in the August 2018 Voyage
ing and supporting women.                                       Chicago Magazine in the “Chicago’s Most Inspiring Sto-

                                                                    ries” section discussing her journey and the work of her
She was selected out of 2,000 women to be a part of the foundation. They host several fundraisers throughout
100 Black Women of Chicago photoshoot. This event the year to provide financial assistance to patients. This
recognized women of influence who are making an im- October, they raised over $2000 in donations for the
pact and serving their communities. She will also be Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and their
featured in the philanthropic short film, The Strength of groundbreaking research for a cure.
the Black Woman. While currently serving as the Commu-
nity Development Liaison for Chicago Medicine and She also shared her story in the collaborative book
current President of Professional Women’s Network, “This Is My Story, But It Is Not My Life”, a compila-
she continues to extend her hand in helping others.
                                                                tion of thirty-three people from various walks of life
                                                                sharing how they climbed back from life’s adversities.

Lady Nicole C. Bullock, charter member and

former corresponding

secretary of the Will
County Black Diamond

Chapter, is turning her
pain into purpose by

helping people diagnosed
with blood cancers to
know they are not alone.
After being diagnosed

with Stage 2 Mediastinal
Diffuse Large B-Cell Non
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