Page 16 - TRD
P. 16
Fig: Isolator replacement at KZJ Section.
Relocation of AT @ 479/24:
As the existing IB signal is shifted by the signal department by one
kilometre from 478 to 479 Km, the corresponding AT also relocated
location no. 479/24 to facilitate the power supply for AT by erecting the
new K-150 mast.
Fig: Relocation of AT
Relocation of OHE masts between NPL-LP:
The new underground Hyderabad metro water pipe line is planned between
NPL-LP by state government authorities, which has to crass the railway track
between above said stations. For this work 4 OHE mast to be relocated for
passage of the pipeline. The relocation work was completed by erecting new
B-150 masts.
Fig: Erection of masts.
Provision of cleats:
There was a case on 18.11.19, Structure
bond getting entangled with foot board of
coach at GUU station. A special Drive was
launched to ensure the all structure bonds at
platforms for properly dressing and
availability of cleats on vertical wall portion.
New Cleats has been provided and all other
structure bonds were ensured in all station in