Page 9 - Safety
P. 9

08.06.2021 AT MLY  LC No. 6 T

             b. Mock  exercise with  NDRF 10   BN/RRC/Hyderabad on 08.04.2021 at KZJ yard: A
               full  scale  technical  mock  exercise  was  been  organised  to  improve  the  staff
               efficiency and alertness of the any supervisor to face the challenges during the
               accidents/unusual more effectively. Two condemned coaches SC 96059 & SC
               96061 were toppled with the help of 140Tonne crane to create the scene of

                                  The entire mock exercise was completed in 90 minutes. A total of 80
               Railway  staff  of SPMRV/KZJ      including 25  staff  from  NDRF 10th  Battalion/RRC
               team participated in the mock exercise. The purpose of the mock exercise was
               also to test the efficacy and effectiveness of various equipment procured for
               use during disasters. Cold cutting equipment ( Saber saw), Abrasive cutter to
               cut the window rods and the coach body etc, were used during the exercise.

               SPMRV/KZJ & 140T crane were put in to use during the entire exercise.

                                    Electrical  maintenance  staff  arranged  electrical  supply  for  the
               equipment, S&T staff arranged PA system, megaphones and walkie-talkie sets.
               A tent for rendering first aid to injured passengers was erected by the Medical
               Officers present at spot:
               ADRM/O/SC,          Sr.DSO/SC,       ADEN/N/KZJ,        ADEN/S/KZJ,        ADSTE/MW/KZJ,
               ADEE/M/KZJ,  ADMO/KZJ,  Sr.DME/DLS/KZJ,  SIPF/WL/KZJ  and  ADEE/OP/SC
               attended mock exercise
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