Page 12 - Safety
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  Sr  DSO  addressed  and  taken  SPAD  prevention  pledge/oath    from  all  the
                  running staff not to commit SPAD.

                      DRM/SC addressing in the Seminar                 Running staff including CLIs

                      Sr DSO addressing in seminar          Running staff performing pledge – No SPAD

             e.  Safety  Seminar  on  Winter  Precautions  and  safety  in  track  maintenance:  A
                 safety  seminar  was  conducted  at  Hawa  Mahal,  Sanchalan  bhavan  on
                 27.10.21 for safety awareness to track maintenance staff. DRM/SC, CTE, CEPM,
                 Sr  DEN/Co,  Sr  DSO,  Section  DENS,  ADENS,  SSE/SE/JE  Pway  and  track
                 maintenance staff attended the seminar.
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