Page 189 - 2024 compendium
P. 189
Metro La Paz Professionals Mrs. Susan A. Mariano,
Association has been one of the received the cash from Mr.
generous stakeholders in the Richard A. Hapa, MLPPA
community. This organization President. This cash will be
annually gives financial support distributed to the selected
to the financially challenged students. The recipients were
students of Ilocos Norte strategically chosen, where
Regional School of Fisheries each barangays shall have 10
who excel in their academic beneficiaries namely: Barangays
endeavor. 32-A, 32-B, 32-C, 33-A and 33-B.
The target 50 students are This organization envisions
being benefited with an amount to produce more professionals
that can aid their financial of the community. This was
needs in the school. The their advocacy when they
organization allot the amount started this scholarship grants
yearly for the students. to the students.
“I am honored to present the Certificate of Award
and medal to Ms. Jencel Love Joy Liberato, a
Senior High School student of theINRSF and a
resident of Barangay 33-B La Paz, Laoag City during
a simple ceremony last Thursday, March 25. Jencel
was the lone passer from Ilocos Norte in the
Fisheries Scholarship Program-National Qualifying
Examination conducted last December 2020.”
-Michael Marcos Keon, City Mayor
Increased Learner Participation Rate
Improved Learner Attendance
Greater Higher Education Opportunities
Gulayan sa Paaralan Improvements
Chinabank has been very The harvested crops will be
supportive to the endeavors used to provide for the need
of the schools. The for the School’s Feeding
continued partnership of Program. SGC partners in the
the school to this private Gulayan Project provided
institution had led us to the seeds and seedling. They also
construction of greenhouse. helped in maintaining the
They have donated cash for vegetable garden of the
Decreased Number the procurement of the school.
needed materials for its The establishment of the
of Severely Wasted Students establishment. greenhouse raises an
Wasted Learners The aim of the awareness of the students
construction of the on the benefit of creating
greenhouse is to produce edible garden. Moreover, it
crops that will be used by also highlights the aim of the
students to process food in school on
their TVE classes. Instead of AgriTechnoPreneurship,
School-based Feeding Program buying needed ingredients where students learn the
No of learners = 44 100% for their performance skills in agriculture and use
% of improvement: 27.27%
No of days = 47/120 39.16% activity. them to earn money.