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Key Senior Living Care Trends in 2019

          Has your organization                           ly adjusted on a patient   fully manage how to deliver services in   • Supplement revenue sources by iden-
        developed a strategy to pre-                      census   which   will  order to provide just the right level of   tifying the residents in your SNF who are
        pare for the trends that can                      become essential for   care for each resident. This is different   not currently covered by Medicare Part A
        impact the senior living                          managing labor costs   from Resource Utilization Group IV,   but would benefit from therapy services.
        landscape in 2019?                                and productivity       which provides incentives for high vol-  • Optimize the reimbursement by
          If not, there could be                            Another option to    umes of therapy to maximize payment.   ensuring that your patients are being
        major operational and finan-                      consider would be to     • Providers can anticipate less demand   classified correctly and that your SNF
        cial implications. Workforce                      share staff and centralize   for therapists in the SNF setting as a   and, by extension your therapy provider,
        shortage  and   payment                           back-office functions,   reduction in total therapy minutes pro-  are reimbursed appropriately for each
        reform are two of the key                         allowing care centers to   vided is anticipated. This should help   resident that you see.
        issues which could radically                      focus on what they do   ease labor shortages for qualified therapy
        shape the aging care contin-                      best – high quality    resources.                           Summary
        uum.                                              patient care and service.   • PDPM is designed to be budget neu-  Developing an agile organization with
                                      BY MARC STEIN                              tral for SNFs. With some therapy dollars   competent employee talent will be criti-
        Workforce Shortage                                Impact of Payment      reallocated to nursing, SNFs should be   cal with the changing demands of a sen-
          An ongoing caregiver                            Reform                 able to offset the loss in therapy reim-  ior living organization’s shift to meet the
        shortage and escalating benefit costs has   The October 2019 transition to the   bursement with higher reimbursement   demands of today’s consumer. In addi-
        been compounded over the past year by   Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM)   for the nursing care that’s already being   tion, planning for the impact PDPM will
        competitive labor markets. Senior living   will demand that providers enhance   provided.                     be an essential element of a SNF’s future
        providers will continue to face enormous   operational efficiencies and focus on   With the proposed October 2019   success. Our recommendations to senior
        pressure to recruit and retain workers   healthy outcomes. The Centers for   implementation date, it’s important to   living providers are to re-evaluate your
        while staying within budgetary con-  Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)   start laying the groundwork now for the   current talent acquisition process, imple-
        straints. With the staffing dilemma grow-  payment reform for skilled nursing facil-  changes. The following are critical to   ment a real time labor management sys-
        ing ever more severe, it will become clear   ities (SNFs) and home health agencies   success under PDPM:      tem to have the flexibility to adjust your
        that providers need a shift in mindset   (HHAs) focuses on replacing therapy-  • Reduce costs by having each thera-  workforce to be more efficient while
        when it comes to workforce. An engaged   driven payment with payment that is   pist provide more treatment to more   meeting the healthcare needs of your res-
        workforce is critical to increase employee   based on patient characteristics and   patients through the use of group and   idents, and to implement strategies to
        retention, allowing them to enhance the   anticipated resource needs during a   concurrent modes of treatment.   reduce costs and optimize reimburse-
        level of quality, customer satisfaction,   patient’s stay. PDPM assigns every resi-  • Improve the patient outcomes by   ment under the Patient Driven Payment
        and financial performance.           dent a case-mix classification that drives   establishing data-driven protocols based   Model.
          To survive and become more respon-  the daily reimbursement rate for that   on the clinical evidence to suggest a care
        sive to staffing peaks and valleys, senior   individual.                 plan that considers the reimbursement                  Marc Stein, Principal,
        living providers are implementing real-  PDPM will impact the delivery of ther-  level for each patient and the outcomes   WithumSmith+Brown, PC, can be reached
        time labor management systems which   apy in the following significant ways:   model that CMS has embedded into              at
        allow staffing to be quickly and accurate-  • PDPM will require providers to care-  PDPM.

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                          September 2019                          15
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