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Alzheimer’s Patients: Why Refer to Hospice Now?
One of the questions that support for the patient, sion among hospital, nursing home and days. Many families tell us, “We wish we
our hospice teams often family members and home. Hospice care provides the support had known about hospice sooner.”
receive from physicians, caregivers. that keep patients and families together It’s important for referring primary
care facilities, hospitals and The primary focus, of at home, where the majority of patients care physicians and specialists to know
community partners who course, is end-of-life care say they prefer to die. that Alzheimer’s patients can be referred
care for patients in the final for the patient. Alzh - A hospice physician and nurse help to hospice as soon as they have a termi-
stages of Alzheimer’s Disease eimer’s-related symp- explain the trajectory of the disease so nal diagnosis of six months or less, if the
and dementia is, “I’ve taken toms can require signifi- that family members can feel comfortable disease runs its natural course. Early
care of this patient for cant levels of clinical with their decisions and know what to hospice referral supports quality of life
years…why should I refer care for organ failure, expect during a loved one’s decline. At and reduces hospital/ED readmissions.
her to hospice now?” restlessness, pain, recur- VITAS, caregiver support also includes We also encourage referring physicians
It’s a legitimate question: rent fevers, pressure 24/7 Telecare access to hospice nurses to to remain as involved as they wish in the
What services and solutions wounds, urinary tract answer questions or resolve crises, and VITAS hospice care plan, a decision that
can hospice provide to BY DR. PAUL PUGLIESE infections and more. temporary shifts of Intensive Comfort extends the relationship so that patients,
Alzheimer’s patients that are Likewise, family mem- Care® at the bedside for up to 24 hours, family members and caregivers receive
not readily available from bers and caregivers are when medically necessary, to manage the care, services, compassion and digni-
non-hospice healthcare professionals? often exhausted by the time a hospice symptoms and pain at home. ty they deserve at the end of a long jour-
The answer lies in VITAS Healthcare’s referral is made, especially if their loved Comfort-focused support from a chap- ney together.
goal of supporting both a terminally ill one’s gradual mental and physical decline lain, aide, music therapist and volunteer
patient and the family members and has taken place over many years. An helps families remain focused on quality For more information about hospice-
caregivers who have experienced the interdisciplinary hospice team provides of life at home. A social worker and eligibility or to make a seamless
challenges and phases of their loved one’s extra layers of much-needed spiritual bereavement specialist are available to 24/7/365 referral, visit or
disease, symptoms and decline. and psychosocial support. help with funeral planning, memorials download our mobile app at
and grief support that continues for a
Hospice: Dual focus on patients Hospice care at home breaks minimum of 13 months after a loved one Dr. Paul Pugliese, who joined VITAS®
and family/caregivers the readmission cycle has died. Healthcare in 2000, is medical director for
In the case of Alzheimer’s and other Knowing that Alzheimer’s patients are By managing symptoms and providing Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. He is
forms of dementia, family and caregiver more likely to become anxious, agitated comfort care at home, hospice can allevi- board certified in hospice and palliative
involvement can stretch to 10 years or and restless when they’re removed from ate caregiver stress, provide optimum medicine and is also a voluntary faculty
more before their loved one becomes eli- the familiarity of home, hospice teams care to patients, and help families remain member to the University of Miami
gible for hospice. That’s why one of the provide services at home to avoid the focused on quality of life throughout and Florida International
hallmarks of hospice care is collective cycle of admission-discharge-readmis- their loved one’s final months, weeks and University medical schools.
16 September 2019 South Florida Hospital News