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Entering Its Fifth Year of Service, The Memory Care

                                      Residences at MorseLife Continues to “Lead”

                       With Dance Program Which Reaches and Engages Residents

          The Memory Care Residences at        The Memory Care Residences is cele-  develop a study on the benefits of ball-  Memory Care Residences at MorseLife
        MorseLife continues to take steps to   brating its fourth anniversary offering   room dancing to slow the progression of   also incorporate Mind&Melody pro-
        reemphasize quality of life and encour-  unrivaled and personalized services to   Alzheimer’s, which is being conducted in   grams into the monthly schedule, which
        age engagement with The Alzheimer’s   patients and families. Spouses, children,   partnership with Dr. James Galvin, the   offer more opportunities to transform
        Project (TAP), a ballroom dancing pro-  friends and other family members con-  founding director of Florida Atlantic   lives through musical instruments, sign-
        gram for those with limited mobility, led   nect with each other in the popular pro-  University’s Comprehensive Center for   ing and painting.
        by a former home care agency owner and   gram that is offered twice a month. TAP   Brain Health.                “Our approach at MorseLife is to bring
        award-winning ballroom dancer Judith   was developed twelve years ago by   “My dance classes visibly uplift   more life to our residents and their fami-
        Simon.                               Simon who began working in the field at   MorseLife residents and spark energy,”   lies,” said MorseLife President and CEO
          “The concept of incorporating move-  New York’s Institute for Music and   said Simon. “Nonverbal communication   Keith Myers. “Our programs consistently
        ment and music into our resident’s daily   Neurologic Function established by   like touch allows patients to relax and   leverage this philosophy by providing
        routine brings light to their lives,” said   renowned author and neurologist Oliver   follow their partners lead. Family mem-  the people who live here with the best
        MorseLife Memory Care Manager        Sacks, M.D., and music therapist     bers, resident spouses at The Levin   possible care, delicious food, sophisticat-
        Savannah Helvey. “It is remarkable to see   Concetta M. Tomaino.          Palace and even staff have found that   ed environments, inspiring new pro-
        people with limited mobility, like our   TAP uses music and the power of   they can meaningfully connect with the   grams and highly-trained staff. Memory-
        Parkinson’s and dementia patients, get   touch to ignite memory and response   residents in gratifying new ways. There is   related diseases are particularly difficult
        out of their wheelchairs and walk or even   from memory-impaired individuals   still a lot of life left in people with mem-  on all who are involved, so finding better
        sway in response to the memories     while improving flexibility, muscle   ory-related illness, it’s just a matter of   ways to inspire joy in our residents and
        aroused by the music and movement that   strength and balance. The positive   finding new paths to reach them.”   positive interactions among families is a
        surrounds them.”                     results of Simon’s work have led her to   In addition to ballroom dancing, The   top priority.”

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                          September 2019                          17
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