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Memory Disorder Center Addresses

                                                  Regional Alzheimer’s Dilemma

          According to the Florida Department   disease research. The Memory Disorder
        of Elder Affairs, there are an estimated   Center provides patients and caregivers
        42,155 people age 65-plus with probable   with access to new treatments, genetic
        Alzheimer’s disease in Broward County.   studies, clinical drug trials, behavioral
        Perhaps of greater concern is that   studies and caregiver research.
        research shows that only 16% of U.S.   Clinical trials and research available to
        seniors receive regular cognitive assess-  Alzheimer’s patients include:
        ments during routine health check-ups.    • The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuro -
          The healthcare community must      imaging Initiative, where investigators
        address these alarming numbers. One   are studying brain images and biomark-
        way to bridge the care gap is through   ers in people with normal cognitive
        early detection so patients can be provid-  aging; mild cognitive impairment (MCI),
        ed with access to information, treatment   a disorder that may precede Alzheimer’s
        and support.                         disease; and early stages of Alzheimer’s,
          The Memory Disorder Center at      to develop better indicators of the disease
        Broward Health North provides free   and its progression.
        memory screenings to help with early   • Alzheimer’s disease genetics studies,
        diagnosis and also offers community   where researchers analyze DNA from
        education on early recognition of memo-  persons with and without the disease to
        ry impairment issues. The Memory     identify genes that may be Alzheimer’s
        Disorder Center’s interdisciplinary team   risk factors.
        educates the community on the impor-   • Clinical trials that are researching
        tance of maintaining cognitive health   new treatments, such as drugs or devices,
        and screenings.                      as well as prevention methods and
          Once a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dis-  changes in diet or lifestyle.
        ease or related condition occurs an indi-  “Without clinical trials, there can be
        vidualized plan is developed to enhance   no better treatments, no prevention and   support groups, an annual four-hour   ty,” said Milena Cedeno-Oblinger, RN,
        function and quality of life for the   no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, said   Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative educational   coordinator of the Memory Disorder
        patient. Additional consults, referrals,   Nora Uhrig, director of the Neurological   program for respite providers, daycare spe-  Center.
        education and support help manage the   Institute director at Broward Health   cialists, nurse aides and healthcare profes-  Broward Health North’s commitment to
        chronic disease. Staff promote positive   North. “Research can provide  hope for   sionals, and a Care Assistance Program   increasing the number of eligible seniors
        behavioral health, optimize medication   those who are diagnosed.”        (CAP) designed to educate family or   who receive comprehensive cognitive
        therapy, assess safety and driving, facili-  The Memory Disorder Center also rec-  friends about caring for a dependent loved   screenings, treatments and support will
        tate advanced care planning and end-of-  ognizes that an Alzheimer’s diagnosis and   one.                     continue until the care divide is closed.
        life care, assess care partner needs, and   resulting treatment affects not just the   “CAP speakers discuss the disease
        obtain services and support.         patient, but also the family. To provide   process, behavioral strategies, medica-  To schedule an appointment at Broward
          Clinical trials are also essential to   support and education to caregivers, the   tions, legal issues and resources available   Health North’s Memory Disorder Center,
        patient care and advancing Alzheimer’s   Memory Disorder Center hosts monthly   for Alzheimer’s patients in the communi-        call (954) 786-7392.

                                                           Coming Next Month...

                                                               Annual Salute to Case Managers
            Case Manager Profiles • National Breast Cancer Awareness Month  • Advances in Oncology Treatment • Eldercare Trends in South Florida
                        For advertising information call Charles Felix at 561-368-6950 or email

         18                        September 2019                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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