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Posit ion youursel f to succeed wit  h Florida At lant ic Univeersity
                   Execut  ive Edducat ion! Wit h t he rap ly changing healpid  t hccar                      e
                   envir onmentt, ef fect ive leadershipp, inter d iscipl inary team m
                   dynamics, annd str  ong succession pplanning ar    e crit ical to heo t

                   success of heal  t hcar e teams today. Wit.y  h our pr ograms, you
                     ill lear
                   wil ll   n ho       l  d          i   l llyy and achieve opt i imum
                              how to lead strategical
                   perfor mancee as or  ganizat ions und go changes in polder    iccies,
                    G V  E  Q    U G K I U          N Q  E      U G T W V N      P  Ƃ        U C                                                                                                                                                    W                                              P                    J                                                                                                       C FP                                       G                                                             C                         P            E              D    G [ Q P    F

                           “Empployment of medicaal and health

                        servicees managers is prg   p  ojected to grj  g  ow

                            20 p cent frper  om 2016 to 2026…”

                       Bur eau of LLabor Stat ist ics Med ical and He teal  h Services Managers

                         Whaat is the F               A AU Executivee Educationn Experiencee?

                                                       Y ON
                                            F  U  L  LY            L  I  N  E   O OR   ON      -  C  AM PM     U  S

                         EXECUUTIVE MASTER OF HE LTEALCUU  S  O  TH                                                                                   M MBA PROGRAMOG
                               A ADMINISTRA    TION (EMMHA)                                        with Heealthcar e Specializationn
                                  Complete in 15 months                                                  Coomplete in 23 months

                  Ta T ake courses fullyy online or on campus everyy thir d weekend                                                                                         Ta T ake courses fully oonline, on weeknights, or onn weekends
                             ˜     Ý ˆ -                                                                                             i                                                                     >                                                                                           } ˆ -              >                 }      “                                                                                                ˜                                                     Ì  i                                                                                                          i À
                  Sample Course Topics Include: Global IssueToT  es in Healthcar                                                                                e                   Sample Course T oppics Include: Operations Maanagement,
                  Delivery , Planningg and Marketing in Healthc e, Health Lawar                                                                                ,                   Advanced Finanncial Management, Global MManagement
                                    Healthcar e Finance                                                      Strategy and Policy

                       EMHA FAU EDUFAU.EDU • 561.297F  561 2977 60007.6000                      MBA.F    A             561 297 66000
                                                                                                MBA FAU EDUAAU.EDU • 561.297.66000

                  A T TE N D O U R E HM  A A N D M B A O P E N H O SEUO  : SEP . 1 4 • 1 0 A M @ B COB  A RA T O N C A M P U S   |  SEP . 1 9 • 6  3 :  0 P M @ DA V E CIV  A M P U S
        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                          September 2019                          19
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