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Sepsis in the ED and Hospital:

                                         Is Hospice an Often-Overlooked Solution?

          Two recent medical studies underscore what many emergency room physi-                   pitals, emergency physicians, specialists and other healthcare
        cians and healthcare professionals already know about sepsis: It is a common,             professionals to engage in “whole-person” evaluations of serious-
        costly and largely unpreventable condition and a significant cause of in-hos-             ly ill, sepsis-vulnerable patients when they are admitted to the
        pital mortality and readmission.                                                          hospital or ED:
          Separate studies in Chest® Journal (Gadre S et al; March 2019) and JAMA                   • Who is this patient and what are their goals for the care they
        Open Network (Rhee C, et al; February 2019) conclude that patients who                    receive?
        ultimately die of sepsis in the hospital typically exhibit underlying diseases              • How long has he/she been sick?
        and comorbidities that complicate treatment and contribute to death.                        • What other underlying diseases or comorbidities are present?
          With only 1 in 8 sepsis-associated deaths considered to be preventable, the               • Where is this patient in the disease trajectory?
        findings reinforce VITAS® Healthcare’s pursuit of treatment and prevention                  • Where was the patient before admission to the hospital?
        strategies that offer sepsis-vulnerable patients targeted, appropriate care and             • How likely is this person to die within 12 months?
        timely referral to hospice.                                                                 • And most importantly, would hospice care be a better alter-
          According to the research, sepsis disproportionately affects patients who               native for this seriously ill patient?
        are elderly, have severe comorbidities and have impaired functional status.   BY JOSEPH SHEGA, MD  Asking holistic questions in a timely and honest manner
        Some may receive optimal, guideline-compliant care yet still die due from                 ensures that seriously compromised patients will not have to die
        sepsis or underlying comorbidities.                                                       of sepsis in the hospital and can instead take advantage of the
          VITAS supports targeted care and care transitions that keep vulnerable patients out   benefits and quality-of-life focus of compassionate hospice care.
        of the hospital and help hospitals improve their quality and mortality metrics by:
          • Heightening awareness of sepsis vulnerability                         Learn and earn CEUs
          • Identifying patients at risk of sepsis once they enter the hospital    VITAS experts offer free monthly webinars to educate healthcare professionals on
          • Improving management of the care plan consistent with the patient’s goals    the benefits of hospice – including discussions on sepsis, hospice eligibility guidelines
          The JAMA study found that 40% of patients who died of sepsis in the hospital were   and other topics – approved for one continuing education credit hour for nurses and
        eligible for—but never referred to—hospice care upon admission. Eligibility factors   certified case managers. Upcoming webinars on sepsis prognosis are scheduled for
        included underlying cancer (20%), severe dementia (5%), severe stroke (4%) and   September 12 and 19. Find details at
        severe chronic lung disease (4%).
                                                                                                     For more information about hospice eligibility guidelines for sepsis,
        Hospice: an option for seriously ill, sepsis-vulnerable patients                                visit Download the VITAS mobile app for seamless,
          The fact that 40% of sepsis-vulnerable patients are eligible for hospice care when                    secure hospice referrals 24/7/365 at
        they arrive at the hospital—but are never referred—is an opportunity to both reduce
        hospital mortality statistics and provide more targeted, patient-concordant care.                                Dr. Joseph Shega is Senior Vice President
          Just as VITAS encourages doctors and patients to engage in early and ongoing goals-                     and Chief Medical Officer for VITAS® Healthcare.
        of-care conversations for any serious disease, our hospice experts also encourage hos-

                                                         CATHOLIC HOSPICE —

                         Providing Comfort Care in South Florida for Over 30 Years

                               BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                For over 30 years, Catholic Hospice has served as a source of
              comfort and care for the South Florida community. Serving all
              faiths, Catholic Hospice is a not-for-profit provider dedicated to
              giving those with a life-limiting prognosis the supportive, quality
              care they deserve. Their highly trained staff members provide
              comfort and choices to those with serious, life-limiting illnesses.
                Hospice is specialized end-of-life care to improve you or your                 enabling families to remain together in peace, comfort and
              loved ones’ quality of life. While hospitals focus on treating acute             dignity,” says Dian Backoff, Executive Director for Catholic
              injuries or illnesses, hospice is specifically designed to provide               Hospice.
              comfort, pain management, family connection, clergy support                       Recently, they changed their logo but Backoff notes that
              and other additional services that some hospitals do not offer. It               Catholic Hospice will not change their philosophy which is to
              is also considered to be a special type of palliative care to ensure   Dian Backoff  provide comfort while preserving dignity.

              comfort and ease for those with a prognosis of a life-limiting ill-              Why Is Catholic Hospice Important?
                Today, they have become one of the leading Catholic health care providers   Catholic Hospice uses the combined knowledge and skills of an interdisci-
              in South Florida, providing control, comfort and choices to those with serious,   plinary team of professionals, including physicians, nurses, home care aides,
              life-limiting illnesses. The organization provides a full continuum of services,   social workers, spiritual caregivers, counselors, and volunteers. They treat the
              specializing in rehabilitation, long-term care, assisted living, home health care,   person, instead of the disease; focus on the patient and family, instead of just
              early education and child care, low-income housing and hospice for seniors   the patient’s condition. Catholic Hospice focuses on extending the quality of
              throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.                         life, instead of its duration.
                Catholic Hospice, a part of Catholic Health Services, currently operates 38   “Catholic Hospice lets you control your quality of life,” adds Backoff. “In an
              facilities in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, and serves more than 7,500   atmosphere of compassion, human dignity and respect, we provide compre-
              people annually with love, skill, compassion and respect for all human dignity   hensive services and supplemental programs such as Pet Piece of Mind, Camp
              – regardless of race, creed or religious affiliation.               Erin, Veterans and Wishes Granted — on your terms.”
                Catholic Hospice is a special kind of care for people facing life-limiting ill-  Through individualized care plan coordination, medical supervision, pain
              nesses. Their team of professionals and volunteers provide pain control, symp-  management, emotional support and spiritual guidance, your comfort is their
              tom management, psychosocial and spiritual support for the patient. They   priority.
              also include support and assistance to the patient’s family.
                “Hospice care can be delivered at home or in a comfortable inpatient center,                                     For more information,

         14                        September 2019                                                                                                                     South Florida Hospital News
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