Page 75 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works products; they establish an most viewed State Farm agent
emotional relationship with the in the country, despite being
Traditionally, insurance agents icon that represents that com- from a small market.
and financial service represen- pany. We attempted to establish • The cost of the video was just
tatives have taken a staid and a “relationship history” between $250, yet she has received thou-
serious tone in communications the consumer and Deborah sands of e-mails congratulating
with consumers. After all, insur- Becker that would make the her, expressing interest, and
ing your home, auto, business, consumer feel as if they know, most important, asking to form
and other assets is very impor- like, and therefore trust this a business relationship because
tant to most of us. As Deborah individual to provide them with of the video. “This advertising
Becker says, “We created the products and coverage that real- campaign was like hitting the
freedom for a back-and-forth istically fit their lifestyles.” Lotto!” says Deborah.
comfortable exchange.” Yet, the
professionalism is there, and you Success Metrics Takeaway Tip
get a sense that she as an agent
still thinks the subject matter • The video has become such a Showing off your personality can add that
and nature of the visitor’s inter- viral sensation that Deborah has needed touch of personal differentiation to
est is serious and important. been able to eliminate all print, a serious, professional-looking website. Add
radio, and Yellow Pages advertis- a personal video (recording of you or a com-
It differentiates her from other ing, and she now focuses solely pany executive speaking). But the real power
competing agents in her local on promoting the Web presence is in the details: Make it funny, yet keep
area. Deborah says, “Our through online advertising. As it professional. Have the speaker “walk”
experience has shown that the a result, advertising costs were across the website, making it seem more
average consumer does not only one-fifth of the previous intimate.
really differentiate between the year’s with increased business
companies offering insurance production. She became the