Page 73 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works                            encourage people to share the       Takeaway Tip
                                        post. The tie-in to the poster
First, the tips are smart, and they     sale was effective in that it       Love it or hate it, the “10 tips” article format
include examples that broke             wasn’t overbearing.                 is here to stay on blogs. But what sets apart
the commandments, which are                                                 a great example from a pedestrian one? Try
good for a laugh. “Thou Shalt          Success Metrics                      a bold headline that establishes a theme
Not Use Irrelevant Images”                                                  and use attractive formatting for the article,
states: “Your dog doesn’t belong     • Before this article, the site aver-  including fonts, colors, headings, images,
on a billboard just because you         aged about 50 hits per day.         spacing, dividers, and more. Presentation is
think he’s cute.” Then it shows         After, it has experienced a 1,000   half the battle, and your job is not done once
a billboard with not only a dog,        percent increase in subscribers.    the article is written. You create a perception
but also two real estate agents.                                            when you present an article—that percep-
By using negative examples, the      • The site has had a 500 percent       tion can be authoritative or amateurish. It’s
post gets its point across.             increase in daily traffic.           up to you.

The post uses attractive decora-     • The “10 Commandments” put
tive fonts and divider lines to first in mind
make each tip easy to read.             for people in the outdoor indus-
The post was so successful that         try, with hundreds of mentions in designed a              social media.
poster of the commandments,
available for sale on its site, as
well as a free downloadable PDF.

The content was valuable
enough to drive traffic and

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