Page 85 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works                           to do. The contest promoted         to a new client meeting and an
                                       one of their clients (a local res-  opportunity to bid on a major
“We deplore logo contests,” says       taurant) and offered a $100 gift    website redesign.
cofounder Norman Cherubino.            certificate to a random winner.
“When designers are working                                                 Takeaway Tip
for free and only the winner          Success Metrics
gets paid it sets up a terrible                                              Boost your e-mail marketing readership with
precedent.” Langton Cherubino       • The logo contest generated             a contest and gift certificate giveaway that
Group believes that the best way       48 votes from an e-mail list of       generates interest in the products or services
to design a new identity is to get     1,042 (a 4.6 percent return).         you offer. Contests can be effective ways
to know the company and its                                                  to increase engagement with your target
target audience. Without access     • The contest e-mail had an open         audience—they appeal to our sense of
to the client, it’s very hard to       rate of 27 percent, and the fol-      competitiveness and our curiosity. They
create an identity that captures       lowing month’s e-mail announc-        can even allow you to toot your own horn
the right personality and meets        ing the winner had an open rate       graciously without appearing arrogant, as
your objectives. The twist on this     of 31 percent.                        when an integral part of the contest invites
logo contest was that they did                                               people to look at your products or output.
not seek logo submissions; they     • The campaign increased
asked clients and prospects to         Langton Cherubino Group’s
guess which logo belonged to           branding capabilities and led
an East Village restaurant. To
find out, participants need only
go to the online Logo Portfolio
and search the gallery for the
answers—which is exactly what
the design firm wanted people

                                    MUCH MO RE THAN JUST A W E BS I TE 64
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