Page 81 - 1841126144.pdf
P. 81

Establish an online service to rate business cards. Each
                       card submitted would be scored out of 100 for design,
                       delivery of information and status of the holder. Anyone
                       could scan and submit either their own or someone
                       else’s card for rating by the independent panel. Cards
                       would only be scored once and a copy saved on the site.

115Members of the business community could then collect,
                       swap or trade cards in a fashion emulating the classic
                       ‘Top Trumps’ card games. Individuals may even wish to
                       reprint highly rated cards to display their high scores.

                                David Owen
                                11 January 2001

                       Develop mobile phone ring tones that mimic ambient or
                       white noise. Typical office-based or urban sounds, such
                       as the opening of a can of Coke, keys being struck by a
                       typist or passing traffic, would be sampled and
                       deployed as personal tones. The mobile user would train
                       themselves to take notice of their own chosen sound,

116while others working around them would be less likely
                       to be distracted.

                                Justin Cooke
                                14 January 2001
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