Page 8 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 8


Section 5: Are you willing to try a few unusual     64
               ideas?                               65
 #20 Get behind a wacky promotion                   67
 #21 Life in the chicken suit                       68
 #22 Enjoy the benefits of ‘brainstorming’          69
 #23 Use inflatable toys to build your business     70
 #24 Remember the good old bumper sticker           71
 #25 Use a spruiker to draw in the crowds
 #26 Offer prizes in competitions                   74
 #27 Get your business in the Guinness Book of
         Records                                    77
 #28 Use the local pizza company to generate
         business                                   82
 #29 Take ownership of an event                     83
 #30 Think differently about marketing your
         business                                   86
 #31 Use industry publications to collect ideas
 #32 Start a marketing ideas box                    88
 #33 Take your message on the road with a
         mobile billboard
 #34 Use a blackboard to get attention              92

Section 6: Do you encourage your staff to build     94
               your business?                       96

 #35 ‘Can I help you?’—‘No thanks, I’m just         98
         looking’                                   99
 #36 Can your staff sell (I mean really sell, not
         just take orders)?

 #37 Ask your staff and your customers to give
         you their opinions

 #38 Offer incentives based on results

Section 7: Do you make it easy for people to
               buy from you?

 #39 Pick up the cost of the call
 #40 The perfect gift for the indecisive customer

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