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simplification 16, 230–1                  tennis/skiing analogy 14, 104–7, 109,       INDEX
Sinclair, Clive 22, 26–8                          152
Sinclair C5 8, 26–8
skiing/tennis analogy 14, 104–7, 109,    thinking style
                                            balance 42–3
         152                                non-preferred (strengthening) 46–9
small-money model 228                       outside the box 84–5, 134
Small Business Service 19                   preferred (identifying) 43–5
Smit, Tim 146                               switching between 46–8
Smith, Frederick 16, 186, 188, 192,         upside-down 14, 111, 147–51
                                               see also analogical thinking;
         203–9, 218, 227                          conventional thinking; convergent
Smith, (W.H.) 61                                  thinking; divergent thinking;
social change (PEST analysis) 71–2                whole-brain thinking
social needs 191
social risk 190                          threats (SWOT analysis) 71–2
Sock Shop 183, 190                       3M 7, 20–1, 193
Sony 97, 216                             Tiger beer 31, 161
Sony Walkman 92, 122, 216                time factor
South West Airlines 143
Speakman, David 233                         boundary-hopping 90, 96–7
Sperry, Roger 37–8, 39                      creative procrastination 64–5, 67, 70,
split-brain theory 37–8, 39
stage-gate model 33–4, 101                        124
Staines, Christopher 23                     developing alternatives 62–6
stakeholders 22–4, 227, 231                 rush to action 6–7, 10, 61–2
Starbucks 22, 173, 185, 215              Timmons, Jeffry 8, 12, 18
Stayer, Ralph 80–1                       total immersion (in market) 68–9
Stear, Rory 23                           Toyota 75
Steetley Organisation 128                Toys R Us 165
Stevenson, Matt 236                      Trailfinders 61, 65
stimulus materials 14, 111, 119–22, 123  training shoes 17, 30, 32, 183
strategic groups 90, 92                  Travel Counsellors 93, 233
strengths (SWOT analysis) 71–2           Tremellen, Sarah 180, 219
sub-systems, transferring 111, 147–8     Trotters 190
substitute 115, 116, 236                 Tsing Tao 161
substitute industries 90, 91–2           20 per cent time 21
success 68, 210–11                       two-phase screening process 164–76
Sunrise Medical 170, 179
suppliers 211, 219                       Ultimo brand 122
supply chain 140–2, 219                  uncertainty 19–20
sustainability, protection and 182       underlying principle 111, 139–42
Swan, Joseph 155, 156                    uniqueness 230–1
Swan United Electric Light Company       Universal Stock Printer 153–4
                                         upside-down thinking 14, 111, 147–51
         156, 163
Swatch 95–6, 129–30, 218                 value curve concept 90, 116
‘sweat equity’ 201                       van de ven, Andrew 42
Swift-Lite Charcoal 83                   van Zwaneberg, Martin 137
SWOT analysis 71–2                       viability 180–1, 182
Syntectics, Inc. 146                     vigilance 16, 232–3
                                         Virgin 94, 228
‘Tech Box’ 119–20                        von Oech, Roger A. 31
Technical Data Corporation 200           von Stamm, Bettina 66
technological change (PEST) 71–2
Tees Valley study 63, 125, 184           Wal-Mart 60
telegraphy 153–4, 156, 213–14            Walesa, Lech 149-50
Telerate 76, 93, 201                     washing machines 3, 21
                                         watch industry 21, 95–6, 129–30, 218
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