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Millar, Steve 78, 87                        tools for 72–97                          INDEX
mind-mapping 111, 134–6, 222                total immersion 68–9
Mind Gym 14, 110–14                      Osborn, Alex 51, 112, 114, 132
minify (or magnify) 115, 116, 236        Osborn product and service
Minnesota Innovation Research Program
         17, 42, 233                        list 111, 114–15, 117
Mirman, Sophie 183, 190                  ‘outside the box’ thinking 84–5, 134
models 16                                outward transfer (business process) 143
modify (Osborn checklist) 115            own-label products 87
Mone, Michelle 122
Monsanto 213                             Palm Pilot 92
Morgan (JP) 232                          Palmer, Andrew 108, 180, 181, 219, 220,
morphological analysis 111, 123–5, 127,
                                                  223, 240
         130, 145                        Pals beer 161
Motor Industry Research Association 27   Pan Am 206
Motorola 99, 100                         Pankhurst, Julie 81
Moya, Joe 69, 145                        parallel markets 83–5
Mr Rooter (plumbing franchise) 126       paralysis by analysis 6, 178
Mueller, Gary 198–202, 210, 225–6, 229,  parsimony, asset 16, 227, 228–30, 235
                                         passion 25–6
         231                             Pasteur, Louis 85
Mueller, George 200                      patents 7, 152–3, 157, 181, 213–14, 220
Müller yoghurts 94                       Paul, Linus 132
multi-box matrix 127–8, 145              Pearson 84
Mysore Breweries 161, 239                Penguin Books 90
                                         penicillin 71
NASA 34                                  people power 213
natural solutions 139                    Perot, H.Ross 215
nature (bionics) 145–7                   persistence 25–6
Navarrete, Miguel Jose 246               person-focused criteria 14, 177, 185–92
need 191, 237                            personal choices (criteria) 187
Nesmith, Bette 136–7                     personal development needs 191
New Covent Garden Soup Company 108,      personal experience 81, 160, 233
                                         PEST analysis 71–2
         180–1, 195, 219, 223, 240       phonograph 107, 155, 157
newspaper market 92                      Photo Odyssey 170
Newton, Isaac 108                        Pi Capital 6
Night Watch, The (Rembrandt) 73–4        planning for implementation 4, 13, 15
NIKE 29, 30–3, 228
Notley, Anne 189                            blocks to implementation 211–39
Nutt, Paul 62                               Federal Express (case study) 203–8
                                            importance of 209–10
objections, anticipating 23–4               Jollibee Foods (case study) 243–7
observation (of core users) 72, 80–1        milestone planning 16, 24, 239–43
Odysseum, Inc. 17, 170                      success and 210–11
Okie, Francis G. 20                      playfulness 25–6, 50, 132
open mind/approach 63–4, 66, 69, 218     plumbing, differentiation in 125–6
opportunities (SWOT analysis) 71–2       Poincaré, Henri 108
opportunity 23, 184, 218                 Polaroid camera 10–11, 17, 74, 169–70
opportunity-seeking/shaping 2–3, 12–13   political change (PEST analysis) 71–2
                                         politics (external/internal) 211, 215, 233 (case study) 57–61         Popcorn, Faith 233
   definition 66–8                        Pope, Pauline 170
   fact-finding 70–2                      portfolio analysis 234
   Iridium (case study) 99–102           Portland cement 157
   prioritisation 97–8                   positivity 25–6
   rush to action 61–2
   time to develop alternatives 62–6
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