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accidental product developer 122–3                   164–6, 171, 175–6, 182, 185, 217,
accuracy 178–9                                       229–30, 235, 237
adapt 115, 116, 236                         Bhide, Amar 228
added-value advantage 179                   big-money model 217, 228, 235
Adidas 30, 83                               big four industry-level checklist 111, 116
advertising 33, 52, 54, 183                 bigger picture approach 14–15, 178–9
Albrecht, Karl 64–5, 67                     Bilimoria, Karan 15, 159–63, 168, 178,
Alexander, Stephania 126                             181, 183, 187–8, 219–20, 224–5,
Allen, Paul 41                                       228, 231, 239
Altair 41                                   bionics 111, 139, 145–7, 238 8, 13, 57–61, 65, 72, 98,        Birch, Paul 148
                                            Birdseye, Clarence 137
         118, 164–6, 175–6, 229–30, 237     Black, Andrew 233
ambition (type/scale) 185–7                 ‘blame-storming’ 221
American Airlines 122, 206                  Block, Zenas 239
analogical thinking 3, 208                  blocks to implementation 4
                                               identifying (techniques) 15, 220–7
   approach to success 104–7                   overcoming (examples) 235–9
   mental workout 14, 111, 123, 136–47         overcoming (principles) 16, 227–34
analysis 6, 9–12, 178                          types of 211–20
Ansoff Matrix 124–5                         Bloomberg, Michael 76, 77, 93, 201
approval, gaining 24–5                      Blu-tack 150
Archimedes 107                              Blue Ribbon Sports 31, 33
Ardent Record Company 204                   Boas, Helena 6
Arkansas Aviation 205                       Bodas 6, 24
asset parsimony 16, 227, 228–30, 235        Body Shop 10, 74, 96, 164, 182, 188,
assumption reversal 111, 148, 150–2                  218–19, 220
attribute analysis 128             8, 216, 229, 230, 235
                                            book retailing 22, 59–61, 65, 94, 118
Baldwin, Jerry 173                             see also
Band-Aids 82, 122                           bootlegging 20–1, 99–100, 181
Barker, Jill 151, 186                       bootstrap financing 105, 228
Barnes, Steve 83                            Borders Group Inc. 59
Barnes and Noble 59                         boundary-examination technique 72,
Basadur, Min 7–8                                     86–9, 133, 150, 237–8
BASIC 41                                    boundary-hopping technique 13, 72,
Baylis, Trevor 11, 17, 23, 25, 97, 183               89–97, 116, 124
Beecham, Sinclair 126, 187                  Bowerman, Bill 30, 31, 32, 181–2
Bell, Alexander Graham 154, 213–14          Bowker, Gordon 173
‘bent-pipe’architecture 100                 brainstorming 111–13, 117, 124, 132–5
Berlusconi, Veronica 190                       force-field analysis 225–6
Berol 127–8                                    reverse 15, 221–5
Bertelsmann 65                              brands 33, 88–9, 181–2, 196, 217
Bertiger, Barry and Karen 99                Branson, Richard 188, 228
Best Friends Pet Resorts and Salons 95,     Bravissimo 180, 219
                                            BRC 200
Betfair 232–3
Bezos, Jeff 13, 57–61, 65, 69, 72, 94, 98,
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