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INDEX  design benefits of prototyping 194         Ellipsat 99
       Design Continuum 144–5                    Emerson, Ralph Waldo 215
       Dickson, Earle 82, 122                    EMI 139
       Dickson, Josephine 82                     emotional appeal 90, 94–6
       differentiation (mental workout) 125–6    emotional detachment 67, 98
       Direct Line Insurance 93, 118             emotional well-being 190
       Disneyland 109                            entrepreneurs 9–12, 19–20, 190–1
       distance learning 155                     Epstein, Robert 81
       divergent thinking 17, 131, 176, 197      Essex Pig Company 237
                                                 Eureka moment 6, 107–10
          actively managing 51, 52               Eurodisney 109
          convergent thinking and see whole-     evaluation 111, 226

                brain thinking                      business idea (criteria) 176–92
          creativity and 35, 38–43                  frameworks (screening ideas) 166–77
          IKEA (case study) 52–5                 examinations 37, 83–4
          mental workouts 110–14                 expectation management 197
          prototyping and 197–8                  experience 81, 160, 233
          rules of 49–50, 72–3, 111–13           experts 219
       diversification 125                        external politics 211, 215
       Doherty, Jimmy 237                        ‘extreme’ markets 83–5 businesses 8, 15
          see also individual businesses         fact-finding 70–2
       driving forces 226                        failure, fear of 221
       Drucker, Peter 6                          family risk 190
       Dual Cyclone 2, 3–4, 81, 194, 212, 220    feasibility criterion 181
       Dunstone, Charles 86–7, 122–3             Federal Express 16, 84, 186, 192, 203–9,
       Dyson, James 1–6, 10, 21, 25, 31, 81,
                                                          214–15, 218, 227
                194, 212, 220, 231               feedback 78–9, 100–1, 195, 196, 231
       Dyson DC06 robot 3, 73                    Fessenden, Reginald 154
                                                 15 per cent rule 20–1
       e-mail services 21                        finance/funding 8, 186, 188, 201
       easyCinema 143, 180, 181, 219
       easyJet 96, 115, 143, 150, 227, 235          asset parsimony 16, 227–30, 235
       Eberle, R. 116                               big-money model 217, 228, 235
       Ebury Caurette 162                           block to implementation 211, 217,
       Ecclestone, Bernie 96
       economic change (PEST analysis) 71–2               235–9
       economic needs 191                           bootstrap 105, 228
       Economist, The 58, 65                        cash flow 182, 229–30
       Eden Project 146                             small-money model 228
       Edexcel 84                                financial risk 189, 192
       Edison, Thomas 5, 14, 25, 85, 103, 108,   financial viability criterion 182
                                                 fine screen 14, 164, 170–6, 239
                119, 152–7, 171, 181, 184, 194,  first-mover advantage 8, 57, 96–7, 200,
          Invention Factory 113, 138, 154                 201
          light bulb 107, 144, 152, 155–6, 163   First Direct 93, 118, 150–1
       Edison General Electric 157               fishbone analysis 223
       Edison Screw 144                          ‘5 W’s plus H’ technique 13, 72, 76–80,
       Ediswan Company 156
       education, creativity and 36–7                     117
       Egg 93, 196                               ‘5 Why’s’ technique 72, 75–6, 235
       Einstein, Albert 40, 63, 230              Fleming, Alexandra 71
       Electronic Data Systems (EDS) 215         flexibility, vigilance and 16, 232–3
       ‘elevator pitch’ 232                      flowchart 14, 168–70
       eliminate (in SCAMPER) 116, 236           Flutter 232–3
                                                 focus groups 78
                                                 football boots 82–3, 144
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