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INDEX  Interval Research Corporation 198          Lenz, Darryl 122, 193
       Intuit 81, 91, 116, 195                    Levitt, Theodore 210
       intuition 10                               Lewis, D. 36
                                                  light bulb 107, 144, 152, 155–6, 163
          IKEA (case study) 52–5                  linkages (among events) 241
          logic and 11, 29–35, 37–43              Liquid Paper 136
       inward transfer (business process) 143     Llewellyn-Bowen, Laurence 120
       Iridium 13, 20, 57, 99–102, 181, 193,      logic

                214–15                               analysis and 9–12
       Iron Bed Company 189                          IKEA (case study) 52–5
       Ishikawa, Kaoru 223                           intuition and 11, 29–35, 37–43
       ISI Emerging Markets 202                   London Qualifications 84
                                                  Lucozade 80
       Janis, I.L. 173–4
       Joe Designer, Inc.69, 145                  McDonald’s 16, 35, 75–6, 173, 182, 220,
       Johnson, James 82                                   243–7
       Johnson, Jeff 31
       Johnson & Johnson 82                       MacMillan, Ian 229, 239
       Johnsonville Sausage Company 80–1,         magnify (or minify) 115, 116, 236
                                                  Maison Caurette 162
                93–4                              management consultants 25–6
       Johnston, Craig 82–3, 144                  Mann, L. 173–4
       Jollibee Foods Corporation 16, 182, 217,   manufacturing 211, 218–19
       judgement/judgemental thinking 51, 111        customer journey 111, 117–18
       junk collection (mental workout) 119–20       market 94–5, 126–7
                                                     mind- 111, 134–6, 222
       ‘kaleidoscopic thinking’ 38                market 68–9, 179–80
       Kamprad, Ingvar 35, 44, 52–5, 147, 212,       development 124–5
                                                     hostility 18–19
                218, 219, 222, 228                   mapping 94–5, 126–7
       Kanter, Rosabeth Moss 38                   market research 66, 72, 80–1, 127, 195,
       Kaplan, Jack 79
       Kay, John 209                                       206
       Kekulé, Friedrich August 40                marketing 78–9, 88
       Kelley, Tom 67, 85, 119–20, 134, 145,      Marks & Spencer 79, 87, 118, 137
                                                  Marton, F. 38
                197                               Mattocks, Darryl 58, 60–1, 65, 164, 172,
       key words 88
       Kim, W.Chan 90, 116                                 185
       kinetoscope 157                            Mauborgne, Renée 90, 116
       Kleenex 80                                 Mayer, Peter 90
       Knight, Phil 29, 30–3, 181–2, 228          ‘me-too’ policy 63–4, 109–10, 179, 184
       Knowledge Transfer Partnership 189         Menlo Park 138, 154
       Kroc, Ray 35, 75–6, 173                    mental workouts
       Kroyer, Charles 86
       Kunnan, Lo 183                                analogical thinking 14, 111 123,
       Lambert Review 15
       Land, Edwin 11, 17, 74                        checklists 14, 111, 114–18
       Law, Andy 120                                 combinations 111, 122–31
       lead users 72, 80, 81–5                       free association 111, 119, 121, 131–6
       left brain 14–15, 73, 131, 135, 152, 177,     ground rules 111–14
                                                     stimulus material 14, 111, 119–23
                197                                  types of 110–11
          creativity and 35–52                       upside-down thinking 14, 111, 147–51
          dominance (testing) 43–52               Merrill, Charles (Merrill Lynch) 213
          split-brain theory 37–8, 39             Metcalf, Julian 126, 187
          stretching 49                           Microsoft 41, 60
          thinking see convergent thinking        milestone planning 16, 24, 239–43
   280   281   282   283   284   285   286   287   288   289