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INDEX Post-it® notes 7, 193 Ride-On Carry-On 122
preconceptions 90–1 right brain 14–15, 72–3, 134, 177
Pret a Manger 126–7, 187
Prince tennis rackets 104, 105, 106–7 creativity and 35, 37–55
Pringles 94, 139, 146 dominance (testing) 43–52
prioritisation 98, 152, 224 split-brain theory 37–8, 39
Pritt Stick 137 stretching 48
problem(s) 113, 219 thinking see divergent thinking
risk 10, 224
solving 7–8, 138–9, 235 attitude to 112–13, 189–92
process, focus on (combination) 123 aversion 4, 215
Procter & Gamble 7–8, 63, 94 levels of 182–4
product risk comfort zone 190–2
Robinson, Neil 105
complementary 90, 93–4 Roddick, Anita 6, 10, 74, 81, 96, 164,
development 111, 114–16, 117, 124–5
range/categories 165–6, 167, 234 182, 212, 218–19, 220, 231
profit seeking, risk and 191–2 Roddick, Gordon 164, 182, 212
Program Evaluation Review Technique Rosenheim, Simon 139–40
(PERT) 239 Rothenberg, Albert 73
‘proper selfishness’ 187, 190 routine/rut (mental workout) 120
protection (of ideas) 181–2, 211, 220 Royal Society for the Prevention of
prototyping 4, 6, 67, 80, 105, 193–7
Internet Securities 198–202 Accidents 27
Prozone 85 Rubik’s Cube 124, 128–9
Prudential 196 rule reversal 111, 148–50, 237
public opinion 213 rush to action 6–7, 10, 61–2
put to other uses (in SCAMPER) 116, 236 rut/routine (mental workout) 120
Ryanair 96, 150
quality 20, 112, 183 Sainsbury’s 89
quantity 20, 69, 112, 131 St Luke’s 120
questions 73–7, 83–4 sales benefits of prototyping 194–5
Quicken software 116 sales pitch 232
QWERTY keyboard 149 SAM wheelchair 170, 179
SCAMPER technique 111, 116, 236
Raia, Joe 69, 70, 145 Schiller, Friedrich 64, 132
rearrange 115, 116, 236 Schultz, Howard 173, 185, 215
recording industry 107, 155 Schwab, Charles 216–17
recruitment (coarse screening) 178–9 Scimitar approach 128
Reef One 236 screening process 164–76
registered design 181 searching
regret minimisation 175–6
regulations 211, 214–15 stimulus of 70–1
research 70–2, 232, 239 see also opportunity-seeking/shaping
Research Planning Diagram 239 Segal, Carole and Gordon 85
residual risk 225 self-awareness 26, 172, 185
resources selling
the business 186–7
asset parsimony 16, 227, 228–30, 235 need for continual 16, 231–2
checklist 187–9 service development 114–16
force-fitting 238–9 services 90, 93–4, 196
restraining forces 226 Shaw, (D.E.) 58
retailer-buyer relationship 57–61 Shirley, Dame Stephanie 77–8, 90, 186,
Reuters 76, 93, 201
reversals 14, 111, 147–51 212–13, 218
reverse 115, 116, 236 shock effects (force-fitting) 130–1
reverse brainstorming 15, 221–5 Sholes and Company 149
Richardson, John 102 Siegel, Zev 173
Simon, Herbert 188