Page 284 - DNBI_A01.QXD
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force-field analysis 15, 225–6 ‘hot-spots’ 98, 151, 174–5 INDEX
force-fitting 111, 123, 130–1, 238–9 Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey 139
four-box matrix 124–5, 127–8 HP Deskjet printer 140–2
four on the flat 111, 124 human resources 211, 217–18
four + and on the flat 111, 127–8
Franklin, Benjamin 122 IBM 21, 86, 132, 215
free association 111, 119, 121, 131–6 idea compatibility matrix 14, 172–3
Freelance Programmers 186 idea development process
Friends Reunited 81
front-loaded creativity 11, 33–4, 177 applying creativity 29–56
Fry, Arthur 193 benefits of 18–25
Fulton, Robert 138 demystifying 5–9
functional appeal 90, 94–6 flawed process (C5 case study) 26–8
focused reapplication 233–4
Gainsborough, Thomas 41 four steps 2–5, 12–16, 17
GANNT chart 239 process/options 162–4
Garland, Chey 185–6 specialist/self-help decision 25–6
Gates, Bill 41 idea evaluation and selection 3–4,
Gelobter, Ludwig 199–200
General Dynamics 206 13–15, 151–2, 239
genetically modified food 213 criteria 176–92
Getzels, Jacob 63–4 development process 162–4
Giampaolo, David 6 Karan Bilimoria 159–62
Gillette 136 prototyping 193–202
glass ceiling 185–6 two-phase screening process 164–76
Globalstar 99 idea generation 2, 3, 13, 14, 103
Godfrey, Joline 17, 169–70 analogical approach 104–6
Google 21 Edison 152–8
Gooley, Mike 61–2, 65, 209 Eureka moment 107–10
Graduate Management Admission Test Mind Gym 110–51
resolving financial block 236–9
37 ideas 79–80, 209–10
Gray, Elisha 213–14 boundaries and 87–9
Green Baby 151, 186 protection of 181–2, 211, 220
Gross, Bill 196 Idei, Nobuyuki 97
Grossman, Steve 150 IDEO 67, 85, 119–20, 132–4, 145, 197
Guinness 95 IKEA 35, 44, 52–5, 87, 147, 150, 212,
Gutenberg’s printing press 123
218–20, 228, 236
Haji-Ioannou, Stelios 143, 227 immersion technique 68–9
Hammarplast 173 implementation see planning for
Hamnett, Katharine 149
Handy, Charles 187 implementation
Hardy (BRL) 78, 87–9, 90 income (from business) 186
Harvard Business Review 80, 90, 116, influence 16, 231–2
ingenuity, parsimony and 228
210, 239 initial statement (of opportunity) 87
Hashemi, Sahar 85 innovation 11, 16–17, 42, 67, 184, 216
Hawkins, Jeff 92
Head, Howard 14, 104–7, 109, 152, 183, benefits of 18–25
stage-gate model 33–4, 101
194, 219 inspiration 72, 85–6, 108–9
Head Ski Company 104–5, 106, 219 internal politics 211, 215, 233
Henry, Jane 25 Internet 8, 15
Hewlett-Packarad 140–2 businesses see individual firms
Heyek, Nicholas 96 Internet Bookshop 60–1, 65, 164
Home Depot 165 Internet Securities, Inc. 8, 15, 197,
198–202, 210, 217, 220, 225–6,